
This property returns/sets a case vector as an array of doubles.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
Property Spreadsheet.CData( _
    CaseNo As Long) As Double()
CaseNo [in]

Case to return.

Type: Long


SVB Example

Retrieving and copying case data:

Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Sub Main
    Dim Array1() As Double
    'case num 3 data entered into the array1
    'Array1 is resized to the correct size (1 Based)
    Array1 = ActiveSpreadsheet.CData(3)
    'create a new spreadsheet the size of the array
    Dim spr2 As New Spreadsheet
    spr2.SetSize(1, UBound(Array1))
    'enter the data from the array into the new spreadsheet
    spr2.CData(1) = Array1
    spr2.Visible = True
End Sub