SANNClusterResults Members
These member are related to Statistica Neural Networks Cluster Results Dialog.
Name | Description |
Cancel | - |
GotoCNN | Go to Custom Neural Network dialog. |
OK | Return value: Integer. |
SaveNetworksC | Call this function to save the active networks in PMML format. |
SaveNetworksCSharp | Call this function to save the active networks as C# Programs. |
SaveNetworksJava | Call this function to save the active networks as Java Programs. |
SaveNetworksJavaMapReduce | Call this function to save the active networks as Java MapReduce Programs. |
SaveNetworksPMML | Call this function to save the active networks in PMML format. |
SaveNetworksSAS | Call this function to save the active networks as SAS Programs. |
SaveNetworksSQL | Call this function to save the active networks as SQL Programs. |
SaveNetworksTeradata | Call this function to save the active networks as Teradata C Programs. |
SaveNetworksUDF | Call this function to save the active networks as SQL UDF Programs. |
Name | Description |
ActivateModels | Return/assignment value: String. |
Application | Returns application object. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
ClearCustomPredictions | Select this option to clear the previous custom predictions. The previous entries will be cleared after you make new custom predictions. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
CustomPredictions | Used for defining custom predictions and execute models using them. Return/assignment value: String. |
CustomPredictionsSpreadsheet | Use this option to generate a spreadsheet for the existing custom predictions. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
Datacase | Specify the datacase for which you would like to create a plot or spreadsheet of the Kohonen frequencies (see properties PlotFrequencies and PrintFrequencies. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
DeleteModels | Return/assignment value: String. |
IncludeActivations | Select this option to include the activation of the winning neurons of the Kohonen map in the predictions spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
IncludeCaseNames | Select this option to include case names in the two and three dimensional graphs. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
IncludeInputs | Select this option to include the inputs in the predictions spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
IncludeOtherVariables | Select this option to include variables in the predictions spreadsheet which are not used either as inputs or targets. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
IncludePositions | Select this option to include positions of the winning neurons of the Kohonen map in the predictions spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
ModelListView | Specifies the list of active models. Return/assignment value: String. |
Name | Return value: String. This property is read only. |
NumberOfCustomPredictions | Use this option to specify the number of custom predictions you would like to make. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
NumberOfNetworks | Retrieves the number of active networks. Not associated with a dialog option. Return value: Long. This property is read only. |
Parent | Returns the parent of the object. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
Plot2DGraphOfXAndY | Use this option to generate a 2-dimensional plot of the subject selected as the x-axis against the subject selected as the y-axis (see properties SelectedItemX and SelectedItemY). Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
Plot3DGraphOfXYZ | Use this option to generate a 3-dimensional plot of the subjects selected as the x, y and z axes (see property SelectedItemX, SelectedItemY, SelectedItemZ). Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PlotActivations | Call this function to create a plot of activation functions of the Kohonen network as a result of response to a specified datacase (see property Datacase). Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PlotFrequencies | Call this function to create a frequency plot for the Kohonen network using the selected samples (train, test and validation). Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PlotHistogramsOfX | Use this option to generate a histogram of the subject selected as the x-axis (see property SelectedItemX). Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PlotKohonen | Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PredictionsSpreadsheet | Use this option to cerate a spreadsheet of predictions for the active Kohonen networks. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PrintActivations | Call this function to create spreadsheet of activation functions of the Kohonen network as a result of response to a specified datacase (see property Datacase). Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PrintDataStat | Use this option to generate a statistics spreadsheet for the analysis variables. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PrintFrequencies | Call this function to create a spreadsheet plot for the Kohonen network using the selected samples (train, test and validation). Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PrintKohone | Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PrintTrainingGraph | Use this option to generate a graph of the error for the train and/or test samples per training cycle. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
ResultsCodes | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsOption | Assignment value: Integer. |
ResultsOutputFields | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsSaveFileName | Assignment value: String. |
ResultsSelection | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsSelectionOption | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsValues | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsVariables | Assignment value: Variant. |
SelectedItemX | Specifies a subject for the x-axis. Return/assignment value: String. |
SelectedItemY | Specifies a subject for the y-axis. Return/assignment value: String. |
SelectedItemZ | Specifies a subject for the z-axis. Return/assignment value: String. |
SelectedKohonenCell | Use this option to select a cell on the Kohonen map. Return/assignment value: String. |
SelectedKohonenNetwork | Use this option to specify a Kohonen network to view its SOFM Kohonen map. Return/assignment value: String. |
SummaryOfNetworks | Print summary spreadsheet of active networks. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
UseTestSample | Select this option to include the testing sample for generating results. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
UseTrainingSample | Select this option to include the training sample for generating results. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
UseValidationSample | Select this option to include the validation sample for generating results. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
WeightsSpreadsheet | Use this option to cerate a spreadsheet of weights for the active Kohonen networks. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
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