
This property creates a new spreadsheet containing the specified subset of the current spreadsheet using selection conditions and Systematic Random Sampling.

This property is read only.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
ReadOnly Property Spreadsheet.SubsetSystematicRandomSamplingEx( _
    Variables As Variant, _
    selectionIncludeExpression As String, _
    selectionIncludeList As String, _
    selectionExcludeExpression As String, _
    selectionExcludeList As String, _
    sampleSize As Integer) As Spreadsheet
  • Variables [in]

Type: Variant

  • selectionIncludeExpression [in]

Type: String

  • selectionIncludeList [in]

Type: String

  • selectionExcludeExpression [in]

Type: String

  • selectionExcludeList [in]

Type: String

  • sampleSize [in]

Type: Integer


SVB Example

Creating a (systematic) random sample (advanced):

Option Base 1
Sub Main
    Dim spr As Spreadsheet
    'assigns the active spreadsheet to the object spr
    Set spr = ActiveDataSet
    Dim outputspr As Spreadsheet
    'creates a systematic random subset using all variables and a selection include expression
    'The first parameter is the number of variables to include in the subset
    '(Note that "*" = all variables), "1-5" would be used to include variables 1-5
    'the second, third, fourth, and fifth parameters are the selection condition strings
    'the sixth parameter is the systematic random sampling parameter. In this example
    'five was used, as a result, one case will be randomly selected from the first 5 cases and then
    'finish obtaining the subset by selecting each fifth case in the spreadsheet after the
    'originally selected case.
    Set outputspr = spr.SubsetSystematicRandomSamplingEx("*","v1='MALE'","","","",5)
    'display the resulting subset
    outputspr.Visible = True
End Sub