StaSpreadsheetMultiThreaded Members
Name | Description |
AddCases | Adds the specified number of cases to the spreadsheet and fills with MD. |
AddCasesNoFill | Adds the specified number of cases to the spreadsheet, does not fill with MD. You must set data for all cells in the new cases. |
AddVariables | Adds a specified number of variables to the spreadsheet. |
Clone | Clone the current spreadsheet. Return value: StaSpreadsheet. |
Close | Closes the spreadsheet. |
Create | Create a new spreadsheet. |
CreateForWrite | Create a new spreadsheet for write; the data is left uninitialized. You must set data for every cell. |
DeleteCases | Deletes the specified range of cases from the spreadsheet. |
DeleteVariables | Deletes the specified range of variables from the spreadsheet. |
Fill | - |
GetData | Get spreadsheet data as 2-D array of variant. Text type variables returned as strings, numeric as numbers (or text labels if desired.). Return value: Variant. |
GetData2 | Get spreadsheet data as 2-D array of variant. Text type variables returned as strings, numeric as numbers (or text labels if desired.). Return value: Variant. |
GetTextLabelInfo | Returns array containing text labels, descriptions, or associated numeric values for a specified variable. Return value: Variant. |
GetVariableInfo | Get selected spreadsheet variable information as a single-dim array of variant. Return value: Variant. |
IsValidFormula | Verify the well-formedness of a specified formula. Return value: Boolean. |
Join | Return value: StaSpreadsheet. |
LoadFromByteArray | Loads content from a previously saved BYTE array, replacing this current object's data. |
MergeCases | Append the cases from the given spreadsheet to the calling spreadsheet. |
Open | Open a spreadsheet. |
OpenFromEnterprise | Load a spreadsheet from a spreadsheet previously saved to enterprise as a 'General Document'. |
OptimalTextVariableWidths | Returns longest text value length(s) in data so text variable length can be set to minimum without truncation. Return value: Variant. |
Recalculate | Recalculate the specified variable formula (optionally within a specified case range). |
RemoveAllLabels | Removes all text labels for the specified variable. |
RemoveTextLabel | Removes a text label for the specified variable. |
Reverse | Reverse the order of the cases in the spreadsheet. |
Save | Save the spreadsheet. |
SaveAs | Save the spreadsheet to a new file. |
SaveToByteArray | Save a StaSpreadsheet to an in memory BYTE array. Return value: Variant. |
SetData | Set spreadsheet data as 2-D array of variant. |
SetDiff | Return a spreadsheet containing the Set Difference of the cases from the two spreadsheets. Return value: StaSpreadsheet. |
SetIntersect | Return a spreadsheet containing the Set Intersection of the cases from the two spreadsheets. Return value: StaSpreadsheet. |
SetObjectManager | Set an instance of ObjectManager for use in places where an enterprise connection is needed and we aren't running in Statistica. |
SetSize | Sets the size of the spreadsheet. |
SetTextLabel | Sets a new text label for the specified variable. |
SetTextVariableWidths | Sets text variable widths for multiple variables at once. |
SetUnion | Return a spreadsheet containing the Set Union of the cases from the two spreadsheets. Return value: StaSpreadsheet. |
Sort | Sort the spreadsheet in place. Pass single value or array of enums StaSpreadsheetSortOrder and StaSpreadsheetCompareType in SortOrders and CompareTypes. |
SortCopy | Return a new, sorted version of this spreadsheet. Pass single value or array of enums StaSpreadsheetSortOrder and StaSpreadsheetCompareType in SortOrders and CompareTypes. Return value: StaSpreadsheet. |
StripFormatting | Strips formatting from returned strings (case names, variable names, etc.). Return value: String. |
UniqueCases | Return a spreadsheet containing the unique cases only, based on key values in Variables. Return value: StaSpreadsheet. |
VariableNumber | Lookup 1-based variable index from variable name. Return value: Long. |
VariableSetTextType | Change a variable to Text type and sets the length in one step. |
VariableTextLabels | Returns three arrays of numeric values, corresponding text labels, and text label descriptions for the specified variable. |
Name | Description |
AutoStripFormatting | Get/Set whether or not to automatically strip formatting codes from text values. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
CData | Returns/sets a case vector as an array of doubles. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
CacheSize | Get/Set the cache size. -1 for 'default', 0 for unload, >0 for specific value recommendation. Return/assignment value: Long. |
CaseLength | Returns the length in bytes of a single case raw data. Return value: Long. This property is read only. |
CaseName | Returns/sets the specified case name. Return/assignment value: String. |
CaseNameIndex | Case name exists => returns a corresponding case index, otherwise 0. Return value: Long. This property is read only. |
CaseNameLength | Returns/sets the case name length. Return/assignment value: Long. |
CaseNames | Get/set all case names as array of string. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
CaseStateData | Return/assignment value: Long. |
Data | Returns/sets the spreadsheet data as a two dimensional array of doubles. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
Dictionary | Get the dictionary object for storing custom data as name-value pairs. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
EventsEnabled | Returns/sets events enabled. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Header | Get/set the header text. Return/assignment value: String. |
InfoBox | Get/set the infobox text. Return/assignment value: String. |
InputSpreadsheet | Returns/sets whether the spreadsheet is an input spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
InputSpreadsheetObj | Get a Statistica.InputSpreadsheet object for this StaSpreadsheet. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
MissingData | Returns whether the specified cell is missing data. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only. |
Name | Returns/sets the name of the spreadsheet as a string. Return/assignment value: String. |
NumberOfCases | Returns the number of cases in the spreadsheet. Return value: Long. This property is read only. |
NumberOfTextLabels | Returns the number of text labels assigned to the spreadsheet. Return value: Long. This property is read only. |
NumberOfVariables | Returns the number of variables in the spreadsheet. Return value: Long. This property is read only. |
Path | Returns the file path of the spreadsheet. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
PathName | Returns the full name (including file path) of the spreadsheet. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
Saved | Returns/sets the saved state of the spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
SelectionConditionsEnabled | Get/Set selection conditions enabled. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Subset | Creates a new spreadsheet containing the specified subset of the current spreadsheet using Selection Conditions. Return value: StaSpreadsheet. This property is read only. |
Text | Returns the text value of the specified cell. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
TextEx | Returns the text value of the specified cell, formatted with the format string. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
TextLabel | Returns the text label for the specified value in the specified variable. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
TextLabelDescription | Returns the text label description for the specified value in the specified variable. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
TextLabelValue | Returns the value for the specified text label in the specified variable. Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
VData | Returns/sets a variable vector as an array of doubles. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
Value | Get/Set the value within the specified cell of the spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: Double. |
ValueEx | Get the value within the specified cell of the spreadsheet as a Variant. Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
VariableFormatString | Returns/sets the display format of the specified variable index. Return/assignment value: String. |
VariableLongName | Returns/sets the long name of the specified variable as a string. Return/assignment value: String. |
VariableMissingData | Returns/sets the missing data value for the specified variable. Return/assignment value: Double. |
VariableName | Returns/sets the name of the specified variable as a string. Return/assignment value: String. |
VariableNames | Get/Set an array of all variable names. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
VariableType | Returns/Sets the type of the specified variable. Return/assignment value: StaVariableType. |
VariableTypeLength | Returns/sets the maximum length of the specified variable (if variable type is set to text) as an integer. Return/assignment value: Long. |
Name | Description |
Activate | Called when the spreadsheet is brought to the front. |
BeforeAddToWorkbook | Called before spreadsheet is added to a workbook. |
BeforeClose | Called before the spreadsheet is closed. |
BeforeDataChange | Called before data has been altered. |
BeforeDoubleClick | Called when any area of the spreadsheet has been double clicked. |
BeforePrint | Called before the spreadsheet is printed. |
BeforeRightClick | Called when any area of the spreadsheet has been right clicked. |
BeforeSave | Called before the spreadsheet is saved. |
BeforeStructureChange | Called when the size of the spreadsheet has changed. |
DataChanged | Called when the data within a cell has been altered. |
Deactivate | Called when the spreadsheet loses the focus. |
OnClose | Called when the spreadsheet is closed. |
OnQueryRunComplete | Called when running the query is finished. |
OnQueryRunError | Called when running the query has an error. |
Open | Called when the spreadsheet is opened. |
SelectionChange | Called when the selection within the spreadsheet has moved. |
StructureChanged | Called when the size of the spreadsheet has changed. |
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