Application Members


Name Description
AddAnalysisWarning Show a warning message in the analysis warning dialog.
AddEvent Adds event code from the specified file to the document.
AddProgressBar Adds a progress bar by the specified name to a queries collection. Return value: ProgressBar.
Analysis Starts the specific analysis module. Return value: Analysis.
BorrowLicense Borrows, returns or lists the status of borrowed/returned licenses from the license manager. Return value: Variant.
CheckOutLicense Check out a feature for licensing purposes.
ConvertLocale Converts a spreadsheet formula or selection condition expression between US locale and local regional setting. Return value: String.
CreateMultipleGraphs Takes a set of graphs and combines them onto a single graph. Return value: Object.
CreateMultipleGraphsSimple Takes a set of graphs and combines them onto a single graph. Return value: Object.
CreateSVBNoUIObject Create an object that can call SVB subroutines and functions. Return value: Object.
CreateStringTable Return value: IStringTable.
ExtractEnterpriseData Explore an Enterprise Data Configuration or Run an Enterprise Analysis Configuration. Return value: Spreadsheet.
GetAnalysisErrorReport Creates a spreadsheet with a listing of analysis warnings and informational messages that occurred when running an analysis from SVB. Return value: Spreadsheet.
GetNAN Returns a NAN (Not A Number) value as a double. Return value: Double.
ImportJMPAsSpreadsheet Imports a JMP File into a Statistica Spreadsheet. Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportMTWAsSpreadsheet Imports a MINITAB File into a Statistica Spreadsheet. Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportSASAsSpreadsheet Imports a SAS File into a Statistica Spreadsheet. Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportSPSSAsSpreadsheet Imports an SPSS File into a Statistica Spreadsheet. Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportTextAuto Imports a text file using auto formatting. Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportTextAutoEx Imports a text file using auto formatting (with extended options). Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportTextAutoEx2 Imports a text file using auto formatting. Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportTextFixed Imports a text file using fixed formatting. Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportTextFree Imports a text file using free formatting. Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportTextFreeEx Imports a text file using free formatting (with extended options). Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportXLSAsSpreadsheet Imports an Excel worksheet into a Statistica Spreadsheet. Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportXLSAsSpreadsheetEx Imports an Excel worksheet into a Statistica Spreadsheet (with extended options). Return value: Spreadsheet.
ImportXLSAsWorkbook Imports a set of Excel worksheets into a Statistica Workbook. Return value: Workbook.
ImportXLSAsWorkbookEx Imports a set of Excel worksheets into a Statistica Workbook (with extended options). Return value: Workbook.
IsNAN Returns true if the value is NAN (Not A Number). Return value: Boolean.
LoadFromByteArray Opens a Statistica document from a previously saved BYTE array. DocType can be a DocumentType enumeration value or a string representing a file extension. Return value: Object.
Open Opens a Statistica document from specified file path. The file can be optionally treated as temporary - it will be deleted on close/shutdown unless the document is explicitly saved. Return value: Object.
PIInterpolatedData Return value: Spreadsheet.
PIInterpolatedDataDlg Return value: Boolean.
PostCommandToCommandHandler Post a command to a handler such as an add-in. The command must have been added to menus or toolbars by the handler and connected via CommandBarItem.ConnectHandler.
Query Create a composite spreadsheet using SQL SELECT statement syntax; implicit {SELECT * FROM} is allowed. Table names: quoted file paths or names (for spreadsheets located in DataSources, ';,'-separated list of folders). Useful for multi-table merge/subset/sort. Return value: Spreadsheet.
QueryDB Queries a DB with SQL using a connection string and flag to specify using advanced query builder. Return value: Spreadsheet.
QueryDBEx Queries a DB with SQL using a connection string and flag to specify using advanced query builder. Return value: Spreadsheet.
Quit Quits the application.
REMatch Returns true if the regular expression matches the input expression. Match is against the entire input. Return value: Boolean.
REReplace Replaces the part(s) of inputExpression that match the regular expression with replaceString. Return value: String.
RESearch Returns the index in expression where the regular expression matches, or 0. If using grouping (), optional output arrays return the indices and lengths if the sub-matches. Return value: Long.
RegisterVBAFunctions Registers a set of functions/keywords for Statistica Visual Basic (SVB). Return value: Integer.
ReloadRibbonBar Reload the Ribbon Bar.
RouteOutput Display output based on the Statistica output manager settings. For example, if the output manager settings specify that all results should be placed in a workbook, then this method will display the specified object inside a workbook. Return value: ApplicationOutput.
RouteOutput2 Routes Output based on output manager settings. Return value: ApplicationOutput.
RunEvent Run the event.
SWSInfo Enterprise configuration/logon information.
SaveToByteArray Saves a Statistica document into an in-memory BYTE array. Return value: Variant.
SelectSpreadsheetDialog Brings up a dialog to select a data set for an analysis. Return value: Object.
SharePointCheckIn Checkin the document to SharePoint. Return value: Boolean.
SharePointCheckOut Checkout the document from SharePoint. Return value: Boolean.
SharePointUndoCheckOut Undo the checkout of the document from SharePoint. Return value: Boolean.
SpreadsheetFromStaSpreadsheet Creates a Statistica Spreadsheet from a StaSpreadsheetLib.StaSpreadsheet. Return value: Spreadsheet.
StaSpreadsheetFromSpreadsheet Creates a StaSpreadsheetLib.StaSpreadsheet from a Statistica Spreadsheet. Return value: Object.
UnregisterVBAFunctions Unregisters a set of functions/keywords for Statistica Visual Basic (SVB).


Name Description
ActiveAnalysis Returns the Analysis object of the most recently used active analysis. Return value: Analysis. This property is read only.
ActiveAnalysisExplorer Returns the active Analysis Explorer. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ActiveCell Returns the active cell of the top-most (visible) spreadsheet. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
ActiveDashboard Returns the Active Dashboard. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ActiveDataMiner Returns the top-most (visible) DataMiner project. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ActiveDataSet Returns the top-most (visible) spreadsheet which can act as a data source. This will ignore Spreadsheets that are not marked to use as an 'Input Dataset'. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
ActiveDocument Returns the top-most (visible) document. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ActiveDocumentHost Returns the top-most (visible) DocumentHost. The DocumentHost object is used to contain embedded objects, such as Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets and Word documents. Return value: DocumentHost. This property is read only.
ActiveGraph Returns the top-most (visible) graph. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ActiveGraphEx Returns the top-most (visible) graph, optionally including Workbooks. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ActiveInPlaceDB Returns the top-most (visible) In-place Database Interface document. Note that an In-place Database Interface document (a DBTable object) can be used, instead of a spreadsheet, as an input data set for any Statistica analysis. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ActiveInputDataSet Returns the top-most (visible) input data source. Typically, this will be a spreadsheet. But it could be an InPlace Database window. Return value: InputSpreadsheet. This property is read only.
ActiveMacroEx Returns the top-most (visible) spreadsheet in matrix format which can act as a data source. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
ActiveMatrix Returns the top-most (visible) spreadsheet in matrix format which can act as a data source. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
ActiveProject If the currently opened Statistica session is associated with a Project, this will return the Project object; if there is no current project, then this will return Null. Return/assignment value: Project.
ActiveReport Returns the top-most (visible) report. Return value: Report. This property is read only.
ActiveReportEx Returns the top-most (visible) report. Optionally, if the report contains a hierarchy of objects, this will return workbook information associated with that hierarchy. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ActiveSpreadsheet Returns the top-most (visible) spreadsheet. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
ActiveSpreadsheetEx Returns the active input Spreadsheet. If the active spreadsheet is contained in a workbook, then the method can optionally return information about that workbook. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ActiveWindow Returns the top-most (visible) window. Return value: Window. This property is read only.
ActiveWorkbook Returns the top-most (visible) workbook. Return value: Workbook. This property is read only.
AddIns Returns the system's Add-ins. Return value: AddIns. This property is read only.
AnalysisCollection Starts the specific analysis module. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
AnalysisExplorers Returns a collection of all open Analysis.Explorer docs. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
AnalyzeExpression Analyzes the formulaic expression. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
Application Returns the associated application. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
AutoRunEvent Returns/sets whether the event code of a document will automatically run when the document is opened. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Case Returns the specified case row from the top-most (visible) spreadsheet. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
Cases Returns a collection of cases from the top-most (visible) spreadsheet. Return value: Areas. This property is read only.
CommandBarOptions Returns a CommandBarOptions object. Return value: CommandBarOptions. This property is read only.
Cores Returns/sets the number of cores to use (limited by number allowed). Return/assignment value: Long.
CrossTabObject Returns a StaCrossTab object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
Dashboards Returns a collection of all open Dashboard documents. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
DataMinerDocs Returns a collection of all open DataMiner projects. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
DebugLog Returns the Debug/Logging object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
DebugLogEnable Controls the enablement of the Debug/Logging object. Assignment value: Boolean.
DebugReport Returns the Report containing process execution log; DebugLog is enabled if needed, new Report is created if needed. Return value: Report. This property is read only.
Dictionary Returns the dictionary object for storing custom data as name-value pairs. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
DisplayAlert Returns/sets the display of alert messages. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayStatusBar Returns/sets the visibility of the status bar. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DocumentHosts Returns a collection of all open DocumentHosts. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
EnableEvent Returns/sets the enabled state of the application events. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
EnhancedWorkbookStorage Returns/sets the Workbook enhanced storage. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Enterprise Returns Enterprise object manager. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
EventCode Returns/sets the event code of a document. Return/assignment value: String.
EventRunning Return true if the event is running, otherwise return false. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
Formats Returns a collection of spreadsheet formats. Return value: Formats. This property is read only.
GraphicsStyles Returns a collection of graph styles. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
Graphs Returns a collection of all open graphs. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
Handle Returns the window handle of the application window. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
Height Returns/sets the height of the application window. Return/assignment value: Integer.
InPlaceDBDocs Returns a collection of all open In-place Database Interface documents. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
Interactive Returns/sets the current interactive state of the application. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
IsFeatureAvailable Tests for the presence of a licensed feature in the licensing file. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
IsFeatureAvailable2 Tests for the presence of a licensed feature in the licensing file. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
Keys Returns a collection of current keyboard accelerators for the associated document type. Return value: Keys. This property is read only.
Macros Returns a collection of all open macros. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
ManagedWindows Returns the collection of managed windows. Return value: ManagedWindows. This property is read only.
MatrixObject Returns the MatrixObject, giving access to matrix library routines. Return value: MatrixObject. This property is read only.
Name Returns the name of the application. Return value: String. This property is read only.
NewProject Return value: Project. This property is read only.
Option Returns a Statistica Option. Return value: StatisticaOption. This property is read only.
PICompressedData Query for PI compressed data using a date range. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PICompressedDataBatch Query for PI compressed data using a date range and array containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PICompressedDataDialog Access the PI Compressed Data dialog via automation. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
PICompressedDataNP Query for PI compressed data using a start date, direction, and number of points. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PICompressedDataNPBatch Query for PI compressed data using a start date, direction, and number of points and array containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PICompressedDataNPSS Query for PI compressed data using a start date, direction, and number of points and optional spreadsheet containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PICompressedDataSS Query for PI compressed data using a date range and optional spreadsheet containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PIInterpolatedDataDialog Access the PI Interpolated Data dialog via automation. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
PIInterpolatedDataItvl Query for PI interpolated data using a date range and a sampling interval. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PIInterpolatedDataItvlBatch Query for PI interpolated data using a date range and a sampling interval and array containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PIInterpolatedDataItvlSS Query for PI interpolated data using a date range and a sampling interval and optional spreadsheet containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PIInterpolatedDataObs Query for PI interpolated data using a date range and a number of observations. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PIInterpolatedDataObsBatch Query for PI interpolated data using a date range and a number of observations and array containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PIInterpolatedDataObsSS Query for PI interpolated data using a date range and a number of observations and optional spreadsheet containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PISnapshotData Query for PI snapshot data as it is added to the system. This property is read only.
PIStopSnapshotData Stop the query for PI snapshot data. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PISummariesDataDialog Access the PI Summary Data dialog via automation. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
PISummariesDataItvl Query for PI summaries data using a date range and a sampling interval. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PISummariesDataItvlBatch Query for PI summaries data using a date range and a sampling interval and array containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PISummariesDataItvlSS Query for PI summaries data using a date range and a sampling interval and optional spreadsheet containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PISummariesDataObs Query for PI summaries data using a date range and a number of observations. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PISummariesDataObsBatch Query for PI summaries data using a date range and a number of observations and array containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PISummariesDataObsSS Query for PI summaries data using a date range and a number of observations and optional spreadsheet containing batch information. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PITimedDataArr Query for PI time data using an array of dates. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
PITimedDataDialog Access the PI Timed Data dialog via automation. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
PITimedDataSS Query for PI time data using a spreadsheet and date variable. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
Parent Returns the parent of the application. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
Path Returns the path of the application. Return value: String. This property is read only.
ProcessID Returns the process ID. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
ProcessMD Returns the Process MD object. Return value: ProcessMD. This property is read only.
Property Returns/sets user-defined properties. Return/assignment value: String.
Range Returns the specified range from the top-most (visible) spreadsheet. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
Reports Returns a collection of all open reports. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
RibbonBarSettings Returns the Ribbon Bar Settings. Return value: RibbonBarSettings. This property is read only.
SVBMonitorRunContext Return value: SVBMonitorRunContext. This property is read only.
SharePointStatus Query the status of the document in regards to SharePoint. Return value: StaSharePointStatus. This property is read only.
SpreadsheetLayouts Returns a collection of spreadsheet layouts. Return value: SpreadsheetLayouts. This property is read only.
Spreadsheets Returns a collection of all open spreadsheets. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.
StatLib Returns the StatLib object, giving access to statistical and probability functions. Return value: StatLib. This property is read only.
StatusBar Returns/sets the current status bar text. Return/assignment value: String.
Variable Returns the specified variable column from the top-most (visible) spreadsheet. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
Variables Returns a collection of variables from the top-most (visible) spreadsheet. Return value: Areas. This property is read only.
Version Returns the application version as a string. Return value: String. This property is read only.
VersionEx Returns the application extended version as a string. Return value: String. This property is read only.
Visible Returns/sets the visibility of the application. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Width Returns/sets the width of the application window. Return/assignment value: Integer.
WindowLeft Returns/sets the width of the application window. Return/assignment value: Integer.
WindowState Returns/sets the window state of the application (maximized, minimized, normal). Return/assignment value: WindowState.
WindowTop Returns/sets the top coordinate of the application window (keeping width the same). Return/assignment value: Integer.
Windows Returns a collection of all open windows. Return value: Windows. This property is read only.
Workbooks Returns a collection of all open workbooks. Return value: StaDocuments. This property is read only.


Name Description
AnalysisActivate Called when an analysis is activated.
AnalysisBeforeClose Called before an analysis is closed.
AnalysisBeforeOutput Called before a particular output is created.
AnalysisBeforeStart Called before a series of outputs are created.
AnalysisDeactivate Called when an analysis is deactivated.
AnalysisEnd Called after a series of outputs are created.
AnalysisNew Called when an analysis is created.
AnalysisOnClose Called when an analysis is closed.
BeforeAddToWorkbook Called before a document is added to a workbook.
BeforeClose Called before the application closes.
BeforeInsertObject Called when an object is about to be inserted into the Workbook.
BeforeMultiItemActivate Called before the item is activated in a multi-item display.
BeforeMultiItemDisplay Called before the item is drawn in a multi-item display.
GraphActivate Called when a Graph window is activated.
GraphBeforeClose Called before a Graph is closed.
GraphBeforeDoubleClick Called before a Graph double-click is processed.
GraphBeforePrint Called before a Graph is printed.
GraphBeforeRightClick Called before a Graph double-click is processed.
GraphBeforeSave Called before a Graph is saved.
GraphCaseStatesChange Called when Plot Case States changed.
GraphDeactivate Called when a Graph window is deactivated.
GraphNew Called when a new Graph is created.
GraphOnClose Called when a Graph is closed.
GraphOnEODrag Called during Graphics Extra Object dragging.
GraphOnEODragEnd Called after a Graphics Extra Object ends dragging.
GraphOnEODragSelect Called when before a Graphics Extra Object starts to drag.
GraphOnGroupingSelect Called when a category is selected.
GraphOnPointSelect Called when clicking on a Point.
GraphOnReferenceLineMoved Called when a reference line has been moved.
GraphOnScaleChange Called when axis scale changes.
GraphOnToolTipDisplay Called before Tool Tip display.
GraphOpen Called when an existing Graph is opened.
GraphSelectionChange Called when a Graph selection changes.
MacroActivate Called when a Macro window is activated.
MacroBeforeClose Called before a Macro is closed.
MacroBeforePrint Called before a Macro is printed.
MacroBeforeRightClick Called before a Macro right-click is processed.
MacroBeforeSave Called before a Macro is saved.
MacroBegin Called when a macro is executed.
MacroCodeChanged Called when a Macro's code changes.
MacroDeactivate Called when a Macro window is deactivated.
MacroEnd Called when a macro finishes execution.
MacroErrorAlert Called when a syntax or runtime error occurs.
MacroNew Called when a new macro is created.
MacroOnClose Called when a Macro is closed.
MacroOpen Called when an existing macro is opened.
MacroSelectionChanged Called when a Macro selection changes.
OnActiveDataSet Called when the active data set is needed.
OnActiveDocument Called when Application.Active[Graph|Spreadsheet|Workbook|etc] is called.
OnActiveInputDataSet Called when the active data set is needed.
OnClose Called when the application is closed.
OnInit Called when the application is initialized.
ReportActivate Called when a report window is activated.
ReportBeforeAddToWorkbook Called before report is added to a workbook.
ReportBeforeClose Called before a report is closed.
ReportBeforePrint Called before a report is printed.
ReportBeforeRightClick Called before a report right-click is processed.
ReportBeforeSave Called before a report is saved.
ReportDeactivate Called when a report window is deactivated.
ReportEnterpriseAfterInsert Called before inserting enterprise object.
ReportEnterpriseAfterOutput Called after enterprise output.
ReportEnterpriseBeforeOutput Called before Enterprise output.
ReportEnterpriseLoad Called when enterprise template loaded.
ReportNew Called when a new report is created.
ReportOnClose Called when a report is closed.
ReportOpen Called when an existing report is opened.
ReportSelectionChanged Called when a report selection changes.
SpreadsheetActivate Called when a spreadsheet window is activated.
SpreadsheetBeforeClose Called before a spreadsheet is closed.
SpreadsheetBeforeDataChange Called before spreadsheet data has changed.
SpreadsheetBeforeDoubleClick Called before a spreadsheet double-click is processed.
SpreadsheetBeforePrint Called before a spreadsheet is printed.
SpreadsheetBeforeRightClick Called before a spreadsheet right-click is processed.
SpreadsheetBeforeSave Called before a spreadsheet is saved.
SpreadsheetBeforeStructureChange Called before the number of variables or cases in a spreadsheet changes.
SpreadsheetDataChanged Called when spreadsheet data has changed.
SpreadsheetDeactivate Called when a spreadsheet window is deactivated.
SpreadsheetNew Called when a new spreadsheet is created.
SpreadsheetOnClose Called when a spreadsheet is closed.
SpreadsheetOnQueryRunComplete Called when running the query is finished.
SpreadsheetOnQueryRunError Called when running the query has an error.
SpreadsheetOpen Called when an existing spreadsheet is opened.
SpreadsheetSelectionChange Called when a spreadsheet selection is changed.
SpreadsheetStructureChanged Called when the number of variables or cases in a spreadsheet changes.
WorkbookActivate Called when a workbook window is activated.
WorkbookBeforeClose Called before a workbook is closed.
WorkbookBeforePrint Called before a workbook is printed.
WorkbookBeforeRightClick Called before a workbook double-click is processed.
WorkbookBeforeSave Called before a workbook is saved.
WorkbookDeactivate Called when a workbook window is deactivated.
WorkbookNew Called when a new workbook is created.
WorkbookOnClose Called when a workbook is closed.
WorkbookOpen Called when an existing workbook is opened.
WorkbookSelectionChanged Called when a workbook selection is changed.