BoxWhiskerType Members
Box&Whisker Plot Type.
Name | Description |
ActivateStyle | Makes object fully controlled by style, clears any customization. |
CopyToStyle | Copies options to the specified style. |
DefaultStyle | Sets default style, preserving customization. |
IsCustomized | Returns whether the object has been customized (it's not fully controlled by the style). Return value: Boolean. |
Name | Description |
Application | Return value: Application. This property is read only. |
BoxCoefficient | Return/assignment value: Double. |
BoxCoefficientMean | Return/assignment value: Double. |
BoxCoefficientMedian | Return/assignment value: Double. |
BoxCoefficientPercentiles | Return/assignment value: Double. |
BoxCoefficientProbability | Return/assignment value: Double. |
BoxValueMean | Return/assignment value: TypeBoxValueMean. |
BoxValueMedian | Return/assignment value: TypeBoxValueMedian. |
BoxWidth | Return/assignment value: Integer. |
DisplayEmptyCells | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DisplayOnlySignificantFactors | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
GraphDocument | Return value: Graph. This property is read only. |
IdentifyLastFactors | Return/assignment value: LastFactorsIdentifyType. |
JitterWidth | Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MiddlePoint | Return/assignment value: TypeBoxWhMiddlePoint. |
MultipleBoxLayout | Return/assignment value: MultiplePlotType. |
Name | Return value: String. This property is read only. |
OutliersJitter | Return/assignment value: TypeOutliersJitter. |
OutliersLevel | Return/assignment value: Double. |
Parent | Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PooledVariance | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
PutBoxesAroundLabels | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Replication | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
ScaleX | Return/assignment value: ScaleXType. |
ScatterplotWithErrorBars | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
ShowOverallMeanMedian | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
SpaceBetweenGroups | Return/assignment value: Integer. |
Style | Return/assignment value: BoxWhiskerTypeStyle. |
TrimDistribExtremes | Return/assignment value: Long. |
TrimEachGroupSeparately | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
VariabilityType | Return/assignment value: VariabilityPlotType. |
WhiskerCoefficient | Return/assignment value: Double. |
WhiskerCoefficientMean | Return/assignment value: Double. |
WhiskerCoefficientMedian | Return/assignment value: Double. |
WhiskerCoefficientPercentiles | Return/assignment value: Double. |
WhiskerCoefficientProbability | Return/assignment value: Double. |
WhiskerValueMean | Return/assignment value: TypeWhValueMean. |
WhiskerValueMedian | Return/assignment value: TypeWhValueMedian. |
WhiskerWidth | Return/assignment value: Integer. |
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