QuaChartOptionsDialog Members

These members are related to Chart options dialog.


Name Description
None NA


Name Description
AddSpaceInChartForNExtraSamples Add space for n extra samples to chart. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AssignmentOfActionsLock Lock assignment of actions, for shop floor operations. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AssignmentOfCausesLock Lock assignment of causes, for shop floor operations. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AssignmentOfCommentsLock Lock assignment of comments, for shop floor operations. Return/assignment value: Integer.
BackgroundColor Return/assignment value: Integer.
BackgroundColorAutomatic Return/assignment value: Boolean.
BackgroundColorTransparency Return/assignment value: Boolean.
CausesActionsSetupOptionsLock Lock causes and actions setup, for shop floor operations. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckAlarmForAllSamplesWithoutACause Check alarms for all samples without a cause. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckAlarmForBothXandRCharts Check for alarms in Both X and R Charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckAlarmForRChartOnly Check for alarms in R Chart only. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckAlarmForXChartOnly Check for alarms in X Chart only. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckAlarmInAllSamples Check for alarms in all samples. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckAlarmInNewSamplesOnly Check for alarms in new samples only. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckAlarmsHierarchicallyInSequence Check alarms hierarchically in sequence. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckOrderForObsOutsideSpecificationLimits Check order, for observations-outside-specs alarm checking. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckOrderForRunsViolation Check order, for runs violations alarm checking. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckOrderForSampleOutOfControl Check order, for out-of-control alarm checking. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CheckOrderForSampleOutsideWarningLimits Check order, for out-of-warning-limits alarm checking. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ColorChartRegions Color chart regions. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ComputeRunsTests Compute runs tests and identify violations in chart. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ControlLimitsAndSpecLimitsAndRunsTestsLock Lock control limits, spec limits, and runs tests specs for shop floor operations. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ControlLimitsForBrushingStat Include control limits, in sample balloon help for brushing. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CpAndCpkForBrushingStat Include Cp and Cpk statistics, in sample balloon help for brushing. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CpStatsInCharts Show Cp statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CpkStatsInCharts Show Cpk statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CplStatsInCharts Show Cpl statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CpuStatsInCharts Show Cpu statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CrStatsInCharts Show Cr statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
DefinitionsOfSetsLock Lock definitions of sets, for shop floor operations. Return/assignment value: Integer.
EndOfRangeOfPlotSubsetOfSamples End of range of subset of samples for plot. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ForgroundColor Return/assignment value: Integer.
ForgroundColorTransparency Return/assignment value: Boolean.
HideAllRawDataPointsInXBarChart Hide all raw data points in chart. Return/assignment value: Integer.
HistogramBarPattern Return/assignment value: AreaTypes.
IdentifySetsOfSamplesInCharts Identify sets of samples in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IncludeDateStampInCharts Include data stamp in chart titles. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IncludeHistograms Include histogram in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IncludeProjectHeaderLineInTitles Include project header lin in titles. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IncludeShortAndLongVariableNamesInTitles Include short and long variable names in titles. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IncludeTimeStampInCharts Include time stamp in chart titles. Return/assignment value: Integer.
InclusionsExclusionOfSamplesLock Lock in/exclusion of samples, for shop floor operations. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LabelSamplePointsWithParts Label sample points with parts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LabelUpperXAxisWithParts Label upper X axis with parts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LabelingVariable Labeling variable, for labeling samples. Return/assignment value: String.
LastNSamplesOnly Plot last n samples only. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LinePattern Return/assignment value: LineTypes.
LogViolationsINIFileName Name of .ini file for logging chart violations. Return/assignment value: String.
LogViolationsInINIFile Log chart violations in .ini file. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LowerSpecificationLimitStatsInCharts Show lower specification limit, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
MarkerPattern Return/assignment value: MarkerTypes.
MaxNumberOfViolationsInLogFile Maximum number of last k violations to store (remember) in log file. Return/assignment value: Integer.
MaximumForHistogramOfCapability Maximum value for process capability histogram. Return/assignment value: Double.
MaximumForHistogramOfRChart Maximum value for histogram of variability statistic (R, MR, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
MaximumForHistogramOfXBarChart Maximum value for user defined scaling for histogram of X (X-bar, MA, C, U, NP, ...). Return/assignment value: Double.
MaximumForVerticalAxisInRChart Maximum user defined value for user defined scaling of vertical axis in variability (R, MR, S) charts. Return/assignment value: Double.
MaximumForVerticalAxisInXBarChart Minimum user defined value for user defined scaling of vertical axis in X (X-bar, ... ) charts. Return/assignment value: Double.
MinimumForHistogramOfCapability Minimum value for process capability histogram. Return/assignment value: Double.
MinimumForHistogramOfRChart Minimum value for histogram of variability statistic (R, MR, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
MinimumForHistogramOfXBarChart Minimum value for histogram of X (X-bar, MA, C, U, NP, ...). Return/assignment value: Double.
MinimumForVerticalAxisInRChart Minimum user defined value for user defined scaling of vertical axis in variability (R, MR, S) charts. Return/assignment value: Double.
MinimumForVerticalAxisInXBarChart Minimum user defined value for user defined scaling of vertical axis in X (X-bar, ... ) charts. Return/assignment value: Double.
NominalStatsInCharts Show nominal values, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NonNormalCpAndCpkForBrushingStat Include non-normal Cp and Cpk statistics, in sample balloon help for brushing. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NonNormalCpStatsInCharts Show non-normal Cp statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NonNormalCpkStatsInCharts Show non-normal Cpk statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NonNormalCplStatsInCharts Show non-normal Cpl statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NonNormalCpuStatsInCharts Show non-normal Cpu statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NonNormalCrStatsInCharts Show non-normal Cr statistic, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NumberOfCharacterOfTruncatedLabelsForParts Number of characters for truncated part labels in chart. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NumberOfDigitsForCapabilityIndices Number of digits in capability statistics displayed in dialogs and charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NumberOfDigitsForScaleAxisLabels Number of digits for scale labels. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NumberOfDigitsForValuesInDialogsAndCharts Number of digits in values displayed in dialogs and charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NumberOfExtraSamplesForSpace Value of n; for option add space for n extra samples to chart. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NumberOfLastSampleToPlot Last sample to plot, in range of samples to plot. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NumberOfObsOutOfSpecsStatsInCharts Show number of observations outside specification limit, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ObsOutsideSpecificationLimits Check for observations outside of specification limits, for alarms. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ObservationsKurtosisStatsInCharts Show kurtosis for observations, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ObservationsMeanStatsInCharts Show mean for observations, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ObservationsNStatsInCharts Show N for observations, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ObservationsSkewnessStatsInCharts Show skewness for observations, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ObservationsStdDevStatsInCharts Show standard deviation for observations, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ObservationsStdErrStatsInCharts Show standard error for observations, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.
PercentOfObsOutOfSpecsStatsInCharts Show percent of observations outside specification limit, statistics in charts. Return/assignment value: Integer.