This property returns/sets the command text of a query.
SVB Example
Optimizing spreadsheet queries using cached DB connections:
Option Explicit 'Just used for timing the queries Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long Sub Main Dim dtStart As Long Dim dtEnd As Long Dim result As Double Dim rptStr As String Dim rpt As New Report Dim ss As Spreadsheet dtStart = GetTickCount() RunQueries(ss) 'Run the queries for the first time 'See how long the process took to run dtEnd = GetTickCount() result = (dtEnd - dtStart)/1000 rptStr = "First set of queries: " & CStr(result) & " seconds." dtStart = GetTickCount() RunQueries(ss) 'Requery, using a cached DB connection dtEnd = GetTickCount() result = (dtEnd - dtStart)/1000 rptStr = rptStr & vbCrLf & "Second set of queries (cached connection): " & CStr(result) & " seconds." dtStart = GetTickCount() RunQueries(ss) 'Requery, using a cached DB connection dtEnd = GetTickCount() result = (dtEnd - dtStart)/1000 rptStr = rptStr & vbCrLf & "Third set of queries (cached connection): " & CStr(result) & " seconds." 'Show a performance report rpt.SelectionText = rptStr rpt.Visible = True ss.Close(False) End Sub Sub RunQueries(ByRef ss As Spreadsheet) 'A connection string to the example datasets folder, using the Statistica OLE DB provider Dim CONN_STR As String CONN_STR = "Provider=STATISTICA.StaOLEDB.1;Data Source=""" & Path & _ "\Examples\Datasets\;"";Integrated Security=TRUE;User ID="""";" & _ "Extended Properties="""";Strip Formatting=TRUE;Auto calculate spreadsheet=FALSE;" & _ "Connection String="""";Excel Style Julian Dates=TRUE;" 'Query three large datasets from the example folder. 'Note that will we be placing all of these queries into a single spreadsheet. Dim sql(1 To 3) As String sql(1) = "SELECT * FROM CreditScoring3" sql(2) = "SELECT * FROM Census" sql(3) = "SELECT * FROM Marketing" Dim q As Query Dim i As Long If ss Is Nothing Then 'first time, create the spreadsheet and define the queries Set ss = Spreadsheets.New Dim destVar As Long destVar = 1 For i = LBound(sql) To UBound(sql) If destVar > ss.NumberOfVariables Then ss.AddVariables("x", ss.NumberOfVariables, 1) End If Set q = ss.Queries.Add("Q" & CStr(i), CONN_STR, 1, destVar, sql(i)) q.FormatVariable = True q.ColumnDecreasedAction = scQuery_Delete q.ColumnIncreasedAction = scQuery_OverwriteAndInsert q.RowDecreasedAction = scQuery_Delete q.RowIncreasedAction = scQuery_OverwriteAndInsert q.MaxRow = 2147483647 q.OleColumnMaxSize = -9999 'trick to turn on option to cache the connection to the DB q.Refresh(False) destVar = ss.NumberOfVariables + 1 Next i 'Otherwise, we are requerying from an existing spreadsheet, where the DB connection is cached 'and the column formatting is already established. Else For i = 1 To ss.Queries.Count Set q = ss.Queries(i) q.CommandText = sql(i) 'set the query q.OleColumnMaxSize = -9999 'trick to turn on option to cache the connection to the DB 'first time, format the variables by setting names and types and format strings and such. 'thereafter, it is assumed the number and types of variables does not change and no need to do it again q.FormatVariable = False q.Refresh(False) Next End If End Sub
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