This function Concatenate variables merge. Defaults to fill unmatched with MD, all output variables, no selection conditions, no formatting, and spreadsheet creation.
Syntax | Parameters | Return Value |
Function Spreadsheet.MergeVariablesConcatenate( _ Optional Input As Variant = 0, _ Optional Unmatched As SpreadsheetType2 = scMergeFillWithMD, _ Optional OutputVariables1 As Variant = 0, _ Optional OutputVariables2 As Variant = 0, _ Optional selectionIncludeExpression1 As String = "", _ Optional selectionIncludeList1 As String = "", _ Optional selectionExcludeExpression1 As String = "", _ Optional selectionExcludeList1 As String = "", _ Optional selectionIncludeExpression2 As String = "", _ Optional selectionIncludeList2 As String = "", _ Optional selectionExcludeExpression2 As String = "", _ Optional selectionExcludeList2 As String = "", _ Optional CopyFormatting1 As Boolean = False, _ Optional CopyFormatting2 As Boolean = False, _ Optional CreateSpreadsheet As Boolean = True) As Spreadsheet |
Type: Variant Default value: 0 Type: SpreadsheetType2 Default value: scMergeFillWithMD Type: Variant Default value: 0 Type: Variant Default value: 0 Type: String Default value: "" Type: String Default value: "" Type: String Default value: "" Type: String Default value: "" Type: String Default value: "" Type: String Default value: "" Type: String Default value: "" Type: String Default value: "" Type: Boolean Default value: False Type: Boolean Default value: False Type: Boolean Default value: True |
Spreadsheet |