Report Members


Name Description
Activate Brings the report to the front.
AddEvent Adds event code from the specified file to the document.
CharacterPositionToLineNumber Returns the line number of the specified character index in the report. Return value: Integer.
ClearSelection Deletes the selected objects or text within the report.
Close Closes the report.
Copy Copies the selected item or text in the report.
Cut Cuts the selected item or text in the report.
Find Find the specified text in the report. Return value: Boolean.
GetObject Returns a handle to the specified object in the report. Return value: Variant.
GetSelection Returns the beginning and ending indices of the selected text within the report.
InsertFile Insert a file at the current cursor (selection). Return value: ReportObject.
InsertObject Insert an object at the current cursor (selection). Return value: ReportObject.
InsertPageBreak Insert a page break at the current cursor (selection). Return value: ReportObject.
LineNumberToCharacterPosition Returns the character index of the specified line number in the report. Return value: Integer.
Paste Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the report.
PrintOut Prints the report.
RepeatLastFindReplace Repeat the previous find and replace. Return value: Boolean.
Replace Find the specified text in the report and replace it with another text string. Return value: Boolean.
ReplaceAll Find the all occurrences of a specified text in the report and replace it with another text string. Return value: Boolean.
RunEvent Run the event.
Save Saves the report.
SaveAs Saves the report as the specified file path. Return value: Boolean.
SaveAsPDF Saves the report as a PDF file to the specified file path. Return value: Boolean.
SaveAsPDFCustom Saves the report as a PDF file, with custom length and width (in 10ths of millimeters), to the specified file path. Return value: Boolean.
SaveAsPDFEx Saves the report as a PDF file, with orientation, to the specified file path. Return value: Boolean.
SaveAsVersion7 Save the Report as a version 7 formatted Report file. Return value: Boolean.
SaveToEnterprise -
SelectAll Selects all of the text in the report.
SetSelection Sets the beginning and ending indices of the selected text within the report.


Name Description
Application Returns the application associated with the report. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
AutoRunEvent Returns/sets whether the event code of a document will automatically run when the document is opened. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
CharacterCount Returns the number of characters in the report. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
ContentData Get the content data in a specified format. Return value: Variant. This property is read only.
EnterpriseReportExtension Enterprise report extension. Return value: EnterpriseReportExtension. This property is read only.
EventCode Returns/sets the event code of a document. Return/assignment value: String.
EventRunning Return true if the event is running, otherwise return false. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
FullName Returns the full name (including file path) of the report. Return value: String. This property is read only.
Landscape Landscape orientation. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
LineCount Returns the number of lines in the report. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
LineLength Returns the length of the specified line. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
Margins Return value: Margins. This property is read only.
Name Returns/set the name of the report. Return/assignment value: String.
ObjectCount Returns the number of embedded objects in the report. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
ObjectName Returns/sets the name of the specified object in the report. Return/assignment value: String.
Parent Returns the application associated with the report. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
Path Returns the file path of the report. Return value: String. This property is read only.
PrintFooter Returns/sets the document footer used when printing. Return/assignment value: String.
PrintHeader Returns/sets the document header used when printing. Return/assignment value: String.
ReportObjects Report Objects collection. Return value: ReportObjects. This property is read only.
Saved Returns/sets whether the latest changes in the document have been saved. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
SelectionFont Returns the font of the selected text in the report. Return value: Font. This property is read only.
SelectionObject Sets the selected embedded object within the report. Assignment value: Object.
SelectionParagraph Returns the paragraph format of the selected text in the report. Return value: Paragraph. This property is read only.
SelectionRTF Returns/sets the selected (rich-text formatted) text within the report. Return/assignment value: String.
SelectionText Returns/sets the selected text within the report. Return/assignment value: String.
SelectionType Returns the type of object or text selected within the report. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
SpreadsheetAsObject Returns/sets Spreadsheets printed as objects. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
TreeVisible Returns/sets the visibility of the content tree. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
TreeWidth Returns/sets the content tree width in twips. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Visible Returns/sets the visibility of the report. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Window Returns the window of the report. Return value: Window. This property is read only.
WorkbookItem Returns the WorkbookItem interface if the object is in a Workbook. Return value: WorkbookItem. This property is read only.


Name Description
Activate Called when the report is brought to the top.
BeforeAddToWorkbook Called before report is added to a workbook.
BeforeClose Called before the report is closed.
BeforePrint Called before the report is printed.
BeforeRightClick Called when an area in the report has been right clicked.
BeforeSave Called before the report is saved.
Deactivate Called when the report loses the focus.
EnterpriseAfterInsert Called before inserting enterprise object.
EnterpriseAfterOutput Called after enterprise output.
EnterpriseBeforeOutput Called before Enterprise output.
EnterpriseLoad Called when enterprise template loaded.
OnClose Called when the report is closed.
Open Called when the report is opened.
SelectionChanged Called when the selected item or text in the report has changed.