GraphOption Members
These members are related to Graph Options.
Name | Description |
RestoreGraphDocumentDefaults | Restores graph document (size, margins, units) defaults. |
RestoreGraphicsDefaults | Restores graphic defaults. |
Name | Description |
Application | Returns the application associated with the graph option. Return value: Application. This property is read only. |
AxisLines | Returns axis line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
AxisProportion2D | Returns/sets 2D graphs axis proportion type. Return/assignment value: AxisProport2DType. |
AxisProportion2DX | Returns/sets 2D graphs axis proportion X value. Return/assignment value: Double. |
AxisProportion2DY | Returns/sets 2D graphs axis proportion Y value. Return/assignment value: Double. |
AxisProportion3D | Returns/sets 3D graphs axis proportion type. Return/assignment value: AxisProport3DType. |
AxisProportion3DX | Returns/sets 3D graphs axis proportion X value. Return/assignment value: Double. |
AxisProportion3DY | Returns/sets 3D graphs axis proportion Y value. Return/assignment value: Double. |
AxisProportion3DZ | Returns/sets 3D graphs axis proportion Z value. Return/assignment value: Double. |
BagPlotBagAreas | Returns bag area object for specified bag plot. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only. |
BagPlotBagCoeff | Returns/sets bag plot bag coefficient. Return/assignment value: Long. |
BagPlotBagLines | Returns bag line object for specified bag plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
BagPlotFenceAreas | Returns fence area object for specified bag plot. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only. |
BagPlotFenceCoeff | Returns/sets bag plot fence coefficient. Return/assignment value: Double. |
BagPlotMarkers | Returns marker object for specified bag plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only. |
BagPlotMedians | Returns median marker object for specified bag plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only. |
BagPlotOutliers | Returns outliers marker object for specified bag plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only. |
BagPlotShowOutliers | Returns/sets whether to show bag plot outliers. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
BagPlotShowPointsInBag | Returns/sets whether to show points inside the bag. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
BagPlotWhiskerLines | Returns whisker line object for specified bag plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
BagPlotWhiskerType | Returns/sets bag plot whisker type. Return/assignment value: BagPlotWhiskerType. |
BarAreas | Returns bar area object for specified plot. Return value: AreaDefaults.This property is read only. |
BarLines | Returns bar line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
BoxWhiskerBarAreas | Returns bar area object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only. |
BoxWhiskerBarLines | Returns bar line object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
BoxWhiskerExtremes | Returns extremesmarker object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only. |
BoxWhiskerFitLines | Returns fit line object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
BoxWhiskerLegendSymbol | Returns/sets legend symbol width for box-whisker plot. Return/assignment value: LegendSymbolWidth. |
BoxWhiskerLines | Returns line object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
BoxWhiskerMarkers | Returns marker object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only. |
BoxWhiskerOutliers | Returns outliers marker object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only. |
BoxWhiskerRawData | Returns raw data marker object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only. |
BoxWhiskerWidthBox | Returns/sets box width for box-whisker plot. Return/assignment value: Long. |
BoxWhiskerWidthWhisker | Returns/sets whisker width for box-whisker plot. Return/assignment value: Long. |
CaseStatesOrNamesForMultiPlotsOption | Returns/sets case states or names for multiple plots. Return/assignment value: CaseStatesOrNamesForMultiPlotsType. |
CategoryCompatibility | Returns/sets unique values categorization compatibility with pre 13.3. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
ConfBands | Returns confidence bands line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
ContourLines | Returns pie area object for specified slice. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
CreateImagesAtPrinterResolution | Returns/sets whether to create Clipboard/Report/Metafile images at a printer resolution. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
CustomFootnote | Returns/sets the footnote of the graph. Return/assignment value: String. |
CustomGridLines | Returns custom grid line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
CustomTitle | Returns/sets the title of the graph. Return/assignment value: String. |
DefaultConfLine | Returns default confidence bounds line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
DefaultFitLine | Returns default fit line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
DisplayDefaultTitle | Returns/sets whether the graph will display its default title. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DisplayFootnote | Returns/sets whether the graph will display its custom footnote. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DisplayGraphToolTips | Returns/sets whether tooltips are displayed for items inside of graph. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DisplayInteractiveGraphicsControls | Returns/sets whether to display interactive graphics controls (the bar with sliders on the bottom of graph windows). Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DisplaySecondTitleWithSpreadsheetName | Returns/sets whether the graph will display spreadsheet name in second title. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DisplaySelectionConditions | Returns/sets whether selection conditions are displayed in the title of an output analysis graph. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DisplaySpreadsheetSizeInSecondTitle | Returns/sets whether the graph will display spreadsheet size in second title. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DisplayVariabilityPlotFactors | Returns/sets option how to display Variability plot factor names. Return/assignment value: VariabilityPlotFactorOptions. |
DisplayVersion7StyleTitles | Returns/sets whether the graph will display version 7 style titles. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DistributionParametersNames | Returns/sets whether to display distribution parameters names. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DoNotUseBitmapOperationWhenPrinting | Returns/sets whether to use bitmap copy operations when printing. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DocumentHeight | Returns/sets graph document height. Return/assignment value: Double. |
DocumentWidth | Returns/sets graph document width. Return/assignment value: Double. |
DynamicIncreaseGraphSize | Returns/sets whether to dynamically increase compound graph size. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
EnableAdvancedGraphicsRendering | Returns/sets whether advanced graphics rendering is enabled. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
FitLines | Returns fit line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
FontFace | Returns/sets default font face. Return/assignment value: String. |
FontSize | Returns/sets default font size. Return/assignment value: Double. |
GetManualScaleFromStyle | Returns/sets whether to get manual cale from the style. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
GetOnlyVisualAttributesFromStyle | Returns/sets whether to get only visual attributes from the style. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
GraphDocumentStyle | Returns/sets graph document (size, margins, units) style name. Return/assignment value: String. |
GraphMarginBottom | Returns/sets graph document bottom margin. Return/assignment value: Double. |
GraphMarginLeft | Returns/sets graph document left margin. Return/assignment value: Double. |
GraphMarginRight | Returns/sets graph document right margin. Return/assignment value: Double. |
GraphMarginTop | Returns/sets graph document top margin. Return/assignment value: Double. |
InitialUpdateMode | Returns/sets the initial update mode of the graph. Return/assignment value: InitialDataUpdateType. |
InsideColor | Returns/sets inside background color of the graph. Return/assignment value: Long. |
LabelFrames | Returns label frame object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
LabelLines | Returns label line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
LineWidth | Returns/sets default line width. Return/assignment value: Double. |
LogBase | Returns/sets the logarithmic radix of the graph (Euler, 10). Return/assignment value: LogOption. |
MajorGridLines | Returns major grid line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
MarkerSize | Returns/sets default marker size. Return/assignment value: Double. |
MarkersOpacity | Return/assignment value: Double. |
MinorGridLines | Returns minor grid line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
OnRemoteDesktopUseSoftwareRendering | Returns/sets whether on Remote Desktop, use software rendering (GDI+) when hardware support (Direct2D) is disabled or not supported. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
OutsideColor | Returns/sets outside background color of the graph. Return/assignment value: Long. |
OverlaidContourHiLine | Returns hi line object for specified overlaid contour plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
OverlaidContourJointRegionArea | Returns overlaid contour joint region area object. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only. |
OverlaidContourLoLine | Returns lo line object for specified overlaid contour plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
Parent | Returns the application associated with the graph option. Return value: Application. This property is read only. |
PieAreas | Returns pie area object for specified slice. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only. |
PlotAreas | Returns plot area object for specified plot. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only. |
PlotAreasGradient | Return/assignment value: PlotGradientOption. |
PlotAreasOpacity | Return/assignment value: Double. |
PlotLabelsBackgr | Returns plot labels background area object. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only. |
PlotLabelsCustomSeparatorFlag | Returns/sets whether to use custom separator while displaying plot labels. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
PlotLabelsCustomSeparatorText | Returns/sets custom separator text for plot labels. Return/assignment value: String. |
PlotLines | Returns plot line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
PlotMarkers | Returns plot marker object for specified plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only. |
PolynomialOrder | Returns/sets the polynomial order of the graph (Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Quintic). Return/assignment value: PolynomialOrderType. |
PrinterResolution | Returns/sets printer resolution. Return/assignment value: Long. |
ReconnectSameWorkbook | Returns/sets how Graph will reconnect to Spreadsheet in same Workbook. Return/assignment value: ReconnectSameWorkbookOptions. |
ScalingOfFontsMarkers | Returns/sets graph document scaling of fonts and markers. Return/assignment value: Double. |
SpikeLines | Returns spike line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only. |
SurfaceColor | Returns/sets surface color for specified level. Return/assignment value: Long. |
TitlePosition | Returns/sets the title position of the graph (off, left, right, top). Return/assignment value: PositionOfTitle. |
Units | Returns/sets graph document measurement units. Return/assignment value: SizeUnits. |
UpdateSpreadsheetCaseStates | Returns/sets whether to update spreadsheet case states. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
UseDirect2D | Returns/sets whether to use hardware graphics acceleration (Direct2D). Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
UseDirect2DWhenCreatingEnhancedMetafiles | Returns/sets whether to use hardware graphics acceleration (Direct2D) when creating enhanced metafiles. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
UseVersion9MarkerPatternSettings | Returns/sets whether to use Version 9 marker/pattern settings (requires restarting Statistica). Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
WhenGraphDataChange | Returns/sets action when graph data/case names/states change. Return/assignment value: WhenGraphDataChangeAction. |
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