GraphOption Members

These members are related to Graph Options.


Name Description
RestoreGraphDocumentDefaults Restores graph document (size, margins, units) defaults.
RestoreGraphicsDefaults Restores graphic defaults.


Name Description
Application Returns the application associated with the graph option. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
AxisLines Returns axis line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
AxisProportion2D Returns/sets 2D graphs axis proportion type. Return/assignment value: AxisProport2DType.
AxisProportion2DX Returns/sets 2D graphs axis proportion X value. Return/assignment value: Double.
AxisProportion2DY Returns/sets 2D graphs axis proportion Y value. Return/assignment value: Double.
AxisProportion3D Returns/sets 3D graphs axis proportion type. Return/assignment value: AxisProport3DType.
AxisProportion3DX Returns/sets 3D graphs axis proportion X value. Return/assignment value: Double.
AxisProportion3DY Returns/sets 3D graphs axis proportion Y value. Return/assignment value: Double.
AxisProportion3DZ Returns/sets 3D graphs axis proportion Z value. Return/assignment value: Double.
BagPlotBagAreas Returns bag area object for specified bag plot. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only.
BagPlotBagCoeff Returns/sets bag plot bag coefficient. Return/assignment value: Long.
BagPlotBagLines Returns bag line object for specified bag plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
BagPlotFenceAreas Returns fence area object for specified bag plot. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only.
BagPlotFenceCoeff Returns/sets bag plot fence coefficient. Return/assignment value: Double.
BagPlotMarkers Returns marker object for specified bag plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only.
BagPlotMedians Returns median marker object for specified bag plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only.
BagPlotOutliers Returns outliers marker object for specified bag plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only.
BagPlotShowOutliers Returns/sets whether to show bag plot outliers. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
BagPlotShowPointsInBag Returns/sets whether to show points inside the bag. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
BagPlotWhiskerLines Returns whisker line object for specified bag plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
BagPlotWhiskerType Returns/sets bag plot whisker type. Return/assignment value: BagPlotWhiskerType.
BarAreas Returns bar area object for specified plot. Return value: AreaDefaults.This property is read only.
BarLines Returns bar line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
BoxWhiskerBarAreas Returns bar area object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only.
BoxWhiskerBarLines Returns bar line object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
BoxWhiskerExtremes Returns extremesmarker object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only.
BoxWhiskerFitLines Returns fit line object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
BoxWhiskerLegendSymbol Returns/sets legend symbol width for box-whisker plot. Return/assignment value: LegendSymbolWidth.
BoxWhiskerLines Returns line object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
BoxWhiskerMarkers Returns marker object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only.
BoxWhiskerOutliers Returns outliers marker object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only.
BoxWhiskerRawData Returns raw data marker object for specified box-whisker plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only.
BoxWhiskerWidthBox Returns/sets box width for box-whisker plot. Return/assignment value: Long.
BoxWhiskerWidthWhisker Returns/sets whisker width for box-whisker plot. Return/assignment value: Long.
CaseStatesOrNamesForMultiPlotsOption Returns/sets case states or names for multiple plots. Return/assignment value: CaseStatesOrNamesForMultiPlotsType.
CategoryCompatibility Returns/sets unique values categorization compatibility with pre 13.3. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ConfBands Returns confidence bands line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
ContourLines Returns pie area object for specified slice. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
CreateImagesAtPrinterResolution Returns/sets whether to create Clipboard/Report/Metafile images at a printer resolution. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
CustomFootnote Returns/sets the footnote of the graph. Return/assignment value: String.
CustomGridLines Returns custom grid line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
CustomTitle Returns/sets the title of the graph. Return/assignment value: String.
DefaultConfLine Returns default confidence bounds line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
DefaultFitLine Returns default fit line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
DisplayDefaultTitle Returns/sets whether the graph will display its default title. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayFootnote Returns/sets whether the graph will display its custom footnote. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayGraphToolTips Returns/sets whether tooltips are displayed for items inside of graph. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayInteractiveGraphicsControls Returns/sets whether to display interactive graphics controls (the bar with sliders on the bottom of graph windows). Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplaySecondTitleWithSpreadsheetName Returns/sets whether the graph will display spreadsheet name in second title. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplaySelectionConditions Returns/sets whether selection conditions are displayed in the title of an output analysis graph. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplaySpreadsheetSizeInSecondTitle Returns/sets whether the graph will display spreadsheet size in second title. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayVariabilityPlotFactors Returns/sets option how to display Variability plot factor names. Return/assignment value: VariabilityPlotFactorOptions.
DisplayVersion7StyleTitles Returns/sets whether the graph will display version 7 style titles. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DistributionParametersNames Returns/sets whether to display distribution parameters names. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DoNotUseBitmapOperationWhenPrinting Returns/sets whether to use bitmap copy operations when printing. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DocumentHeight Returns/sets graph document height. Return/assignment value: Double.
DocumentWidth Returns/sets graph document width. Return/assignment value: Double.
DynamicIncreaseGraphSize Returns/sets whether to dynamically increase compound graph size. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
EnableAdvancedGraphicsRendering Returns/sets whether advanced graphics rendering is enabled. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
FitLines Returns fit line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
FontFace Returns/sets default font face. Return/assignment value: String.
FontSize Returns/sets default font size. Return/assignment value: Double.
GetManualScaleFromStyle Returns/sets whether to get manual cale from the style. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
GetOnlyVisualAttributesFromStyle Returns/sets whether to get only visual attributes from the style. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
GraphDocumentStyle Returns/sets graph document (size, margins, units) style name. Return/assignment value: String.
GraphMarginBottom Returns/sets graph document bottom margin. Return/assignment value: Double.
GraphMarginLeft Returns/sets graph document left margin. Return/assignment value: Double.
GraphMarginRight Returns/sets graph document right margin. Return/assignment value: Double.
GraphMarginTop Returns/sets graph document top margin. Return/assignment value: Double.
InitialUpdateMode Returns/sets the initial update mode of the graph. Return/assignment value: InitialDataUpdateType.
InsideColor Returns/sets inside background color of the graph. Return/assignment value: Long.
LabelFrames Returns label frame object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
LabelLines Returns label line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
LineWidth Returns/sets default line width. Return/assignment value: Double.
LogBase Returns/sets the logarithmic radix of the graph (Euler, 10). Return/assignment value: LogOption.
MajorGridLines Returns major grid line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
MarkerSize Returns/sets default marker size. Return/assignment value: Double.
MarkersOpacity Return/assignment value: Double.
MinorGridLines Returns minor grid line object. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
OnRemoteDesktopUseSoftwareRendering Returns/sets whether on Remote Desktop, use software rendering (GDI+) when hardware support (Direct2D) is disabled or not supported. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
OutsideColor Returns/sets outside background color of the graph. Return/assignment value: Long.
OverlaidContourHiLine Returns hi line object for specified overlaid contour plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
OverlaidContourJointRegionArea Returns overlaid contour joint region area object. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only.
OverlaidContourLoLine Returns lo line object for specified overlaid contour plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
Parent Returns the application associated with the graph option. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
PieAreas Returns pie area object for specified slice. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only.
PlotAreas Returns plot area object for specified plot. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only.
PlotAreasGradient Return/assignment value: PlotGradientOption.
PlotAreasOpacity Return/assignment value: Double.
PlotLabelsBackgr Returns plot labels background area object. Return value: AreaDefaults. This property is read only.
PlotLabelsCustomSeparatorFlag Returns/sets whether to use custom separator while displaying plot labels. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
PlotLabelsCustomSeparatorText Returns/sets custom separator text for plot labels. Return/assignment value: String.
PlotLines Returns plot line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
PlotMarkers Returns plot marker object for specified plot. Return value: MarkerDefaults. This property is read only.
PolynomialOrder Returns/sets the polynomial order of the graph (Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Quintic). Return/assignment value: PolynomialOrderType.
PrinterResolution Returns/sets printer resolution. Return/assignment value: Long.
ReconnectSameWorkbook Returns/sets how Graph will reconnect to Spreadsheet in same Workbook. Return/assignment value: ReconnectSameWorkbookOptions.
ScalingOfFontsMarkers Returns/sets graph document scaling of fonts and markers. Return/assignment value: Double.
SpikeLines Returns spike line object for specified plot. Return value: LineDefaults. This property is read only.
SurfaceColor Returns/sets surface color for specified level. Return/assignment value: Long.
TitlePosition Returns/sets the title position of the graph (off, left, right, top). Return/assignment value: PositionOfTitle.
Units Returns/sets graph document measurement units. Return/assignment value: SizeUnits.
UpdateSpreadsheetCaseStates Returns/sets whether to update spreadsheet case states. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
UseDirect2D Returns/sets whether to use hardware graphics acceleration (Direct2D). Return/assignment value: Boolean.
UseDirect2DWhenCreatingEnhancedMetafiles Returns/sets whether to use hardware graphics acceleration (Direct2D) when creating enhanced metafiles. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
UseVersion9MarkerPatternSettings Returns/sets whether to use Version 9 marker/pattern settings (requires restarting Statistica). Return/assignment value: Boolean.
WhenGraphDataChange Returns/sets action when graph data/case names/states change. Return/assignment value: WhenGraphDataChangeAction.