User Members

These members describe a user.


Name Description
ChangePassword -
Remove Removes (deletes) this User.
RemoveEx Removes (deletes) this User (with audit log explanation).
Save Saves changes to this User.
SaveEx Saves changes to this User (with audit log explanation).


Name Description
AnalysisModules Return value: AnalysisModules. This property is read only.
AuditLogReasonForAutoSave Return/assignment value: String.
AutoSave Returns/sets the auto save state for this User. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
EffectivePermissions Returns the effective permissions for this user. Return value: Permission. This property is read only.
EmailAddress Return/assignment value: String.
EmailAddressSource Return/assignment value: EmailAddressSource. (NOT YET LINKED)
Enabled Return/assignment value: Boolean.
FullName Returns/sets the full name of the user. Return/assignment value: String.
ID Returns the User ID of this user. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
Integrated Returns True if this user is a Windows integrated user. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
MemberOf Returns the collection of Groups this user belongs to. Return value: UserGroups. This property is read only.
MustChangePassword Return/assignment value: Boolean.
MustChangePasswordLock Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Name Returns/sets the user name. Return/assignment value: String.
Param Returns/sets a named parameter for this User. Return/assignment value: Variant.
Permissions Returns the bit-mask set of permissions associated with this user. Return value: Permissions. This property is read only.
ReadOnly Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.