User Members
These members describe a user.
Name | Description |
ChangePassword | - |
Remove | Removes (deletes) this User. |
RemoveEx | Removes (deletes) this User (with audit log explanation). |
Save | Saves changes to this User. |
SaveEx | Saves changes to this User (with audit log explanation). |
Name | Description |
AnalysisModules | Return value: AnalysisModules. This property is read only. |
AuditLogReasonForAutoSave | Return/assignment value: String. |
AutoSave | Returns/sets the auto save state for this User. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
EffectivePermissions | Returns the effective permissions for this user. Return value: Permission. This property is read only. |
EmailAddress | Return/assignment value: String. |
EmailAddressSource | Return/assignment value: EmailAddressSource. (NOT YET LINKED) |
Enabled | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
FullName | Returns/sets the full name of the user. Return/assignment value: String. |
ID | Returns the User ID of this user. Return value: Integer. This property is read only. |
Integrated | Returns True if this user is a Windows integrated user. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only. |
MemberOf | Returns the collection of Groups this user belongs to. Return value: UserGroups. This property is read only. |
MustChangePassword | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
MustChangePasswordLock | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Name | Returns/sets the user name. Return/assignment value: String. |
Param | Returns/sets a named parameter for this User. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
Permissions | Returns the bit-mask set of permissions associated with this user. Return value: Permissions. This property is read only. |
ReadOnly | Return value: Boolean. This property is read only. |
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