ProbabilityProbabilityPlot Members
These members are related to Probability-Probability plot Creation Object.
Name | Description |
Application | Returns the application associated with the graph plot creation. Return value: Application. This property is read only. |
CategoryOne | Returns the value of the first categorical variable. Return value: StatsGraphsCategory. This property is read only. |
CategoryTwo | Returns the value of the second categorical variable. Return value: StatsGraphsCategory. This property is read only. |
ComputeFromData | Returns/sets whether to compute from the data. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
ComputeParameter | Returns/sets computational status of the parameter for the specified distribution. Return/assignment value: Double. |
Distribution | Returns/sets the distribution of the graph (normal, beta, weibull, rayleigh, extreme, exponential, gamma, lognormal). Return/assignment value: TypeOfDistribution. |
DocumentStyle | Returns/sets the document style (size) of the graph (normal, printer page, landscape, landscape printer, A4 (document, printer, landscape, landscape printer), slide. Return/assignment value: String. |
GraphStyle | Returns/sets the graph style of the graph. Return/assignment value: String. |
Graphs | Creates a graph. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
Name | Returns/sets the name of the graph plot creation. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
NoAvgRanks | Returns/sets the average ranks option. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Options | Returns the statistical graph options of the graph. Return value: StatsGraphsOptions. This property is read only. |
Overlaid | Returns/sets the plot overlaid option. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
OverlaidCat | Returns/sets whether the categorized graph is overlaidOverlaidCat. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Parameter | Returns/sets the parameter for the specified distribution. Return/assignment value: Double. |
Parent | Returns the application associated with the graph plot creation. Return value: Application. This property is read only. |
SelectionCondition | Returns the selection conditions of the graph. Return value: SelectionCondition. This property is read only. |
UseLikelihood | Returns/sets whether to use maximum likelihood. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Variables | Returns/sets the variables for analysis. Return/assignment value: String. |
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