StandardMonitorOption Members

These members specify an option value for a Standard Monitor.


Name Description
None NA


Name Description
CacheSize Returns/sets the size of the data cache for this monitor. Return/assignment value: Integer.
DataExtractionMode Return/assignment value: DataExtractionMode. (NOT YET LINKED)
DataFileHeader Returns/sets the header text that will be displayed on the resulting Spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: String.
FileName Returns/sets the file name for the resulting Spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: String.
HideIQCDialog Return/assignment value: Boolean.
IQCChartHeader Returns/sets the header text that will be displayed on the Quality Control chart. Return/assignment value: String.
IncludeDataFileHeader Returns/sets if the resulting Spreadsheet will display the DataFileHeader text. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
IncludeIQCChartHeader Returns/sets if the resulting Quality Control chart will display the IQCChartHeader text. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
IncludeParentSampleInfo Returns/sets if this Standard Monitor will include parent sample information in the data. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
LockFlag Returns/sets the lock flag. Return/assignment value: Integer.
MaxCases Returns/sets the maximum numbers of cases. Specify zero for unlimited data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
OrderCharacteristicsAsInProfile Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ShowDefiningDataDialog Returns/sets if this Standard Monitor will display the Defining Data dialog when it is run. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ShowMultipleIQCProjectes Return/assignment value: Boolean.
SuppressProgressBar Return/assignment value: Boolean.
UserDefinedSQL Returns/sets the user-defined SQL associated with this standard Monitor. Return/assignment value: String.
WeekStartDay Return/assignment value: Integer.