ProProcessCapabilityNN2Results Members
These members are related to Process capability analysis results dialog, two-parameter non-normal distributions and raw data.
Name | Description |
Application | Returns application object. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
AverageTiedRanks | Average tied ranks, in probability plots. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
DeltaValue | Delta value, for specs: nominal ± delta. Return/assignment value: Double. |
DescriptiveStatistics | Descriptive statistics. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
FrequencyDistributionAndGoodnessOfFit | Frequency distribution and tests of normality. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
FrequencyTabulationLowerLimit | Lower limit for frequency tables and histograms. Return/assignment value: Double. |
FrequencyTabulationNumberOfCategories | Number of categories, for computation of frequency tables and histograms. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
FrequencyTabulationUpperLimit | Upper limit for frequency tables and histograms. Return/assignment value: Double. |
LowerSpecificationLimit | Lower specification limit. Return/assignment value: Double. |
LowerThresholdEqualsLSL | Set lower threshold equal to lower specification limit (natural limits). Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MoveTitlesToAvoidOverlappingText | Move titles to avoid overlapping text, in capability summary histograms. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
Name | Return value: String. This property is read only. |
NeatIntervals | Compute neat intervals, for frequency tables and histograms. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
NominalIsDefined | Specify a nominal value (nominal value specification is optional). Return/assignment value: Integer. |
NominalValue | Nominal value. Return/assignment value: Double. |
NormalProbabilityPlot | Normal probability plot. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
NumberBeyondSpecs | Number of observations beyond specifications, estimated and observed. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
Parent | Returns the parent of the object. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
ProbabilityProbabilityPlot | Probability-probability (P-P) plot. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
QuantileQuantilePlot | Quantile-Quantile plot. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
QuantilesProbabilitiesOnHorizontalAxis | Place theoretical quantiles and probabilities on horizontal (X) axis, in quantile and probability plots. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
QuantilesProbabilitiesOnVerticalAxis | Place theoretical quantiles and probabilities on vertical (Y) axis, in quantile and probability plots. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
ResultsCodes | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsOption | Assignment value: Integer. |
ResultsOutputFields | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsSaveFileName | Assignment value: String. |
ResultsSelection | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsSelectionOption | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsValues | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsVariables | Assignment value: Variant. |
ShowProcessCapabilityIndices | Show process capability indices in plots. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
SigmaLimits | Sigma limits (multiple), for computations of capability indices. Return/assignment value: Double. |
SigmaLimitsAtEquivalentPercentiles | Place sigma limits at equivalent percentiles. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
Summary | Summary, process capability indices. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
SummaryForAllVariables | Summary, process capability indices, all variables. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
SummaryHistogram | Summary histogram. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
TypeOfProcessSpecifications | Type of process specifications. Return/assignment value: ProProcessType. |
UpperSpecificationLimit | Upper specification limit. Return/assignment value: Double. |
UserDefinedParameter1 | Use user defined parameter 1. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
UserDefinedParameter2 | Use user defined parameter 2. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
ValueForAdjustingN | Value for adjusting N, in probability plots. Return/assignment value: Double. |
ValueForAdjustingRanks | Value for adjusting ranks, in probability plots. Return/assignment value: Double. |
ValueUserDefinedParameter1 | Value of parameter 1. Return/assignment value: Double. |
ValueUserDefinedParameter2 | Value of parameter 1. Return/assignment value: Double. |
Variable | Current variable for analysis. Return/assignment value: String. |
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