Workbook Members


Name Description
Activate Brings the workbook to the front.
AddEvent Adds event code from the specified file to the document.
Close Closes the workbook.
Copy Copies the current item in the workbook.
Cut Cuts the current item in the workbook.
Delete Deletes the current item from the workbook.
ExportHTML Export Workbook as HTML with specified widths.
FindPersistentID Return value: .
GetLockUI Workbook User Interface locked. Return value: .
InsertFile Inserts the specified file into the workbook. Return value: .
InsertFolder Inserts a folder into the workbook. Return value: .
InsertNew Inserts a new document or folder into the workbook. Return value: .
InsertObject Inserts the specified object into the workbook. Return value: .
Paste Pastes a document into the workbook.
PrintOut Prints either the current item in the workbook or the entire workbook.
RunEvent Run the event.
Save Saves the workbook to a file.
SaveAs Saves the workbook to a file.

Return value: Boolean.

SaveAsVersion6 Save Workbook with Version 6 file format.

Return value: Boolean.

SaveToEnterprise -
SetLockUI Workbook User Interface locked.


Name Description
ActiveInput Returns or sets the active input dataset within the workbook.

Return or assignment value: .

ActiveItem Returns the item currently active in workbook.

Return value: .

This property is read only.

Application Returns the application associated with the workbook. Return value: .

This property is read only.

AutoRunEvent Returns or sets whether the event code of a document will automatically run when the document is opened.

Return or assignment value: Boolean.

Columns Returns or sets the number of columns of a folder multi-item display.

Return or assignment value: Integer.

ContentData Get the content data in a specified format.

Return value: Variant.

This property is read only.

EventCode Returns or sets the event code of a document.

Return or assignment value: String.

EventRunning Return true if the event is running, otherwise return false.

Return value: Boolean.

This property is read only.

FullName Returns the full name (including file path) of the workbook.

Return value: String.

This property is read only.

GraphReportCompression Compression of Graphs and Reports in Workbook.

Return or assignment value: Boolean.

Height Returns or sets the height of folder multi-item display in twips.

Return or assignment value: Integer.

Item Returns the specified item by name or id.

Return value: .

This property is read only.

MultiItemDisplay Returns or sets whether to use multi-item display.

Return or assignment value: Boolean.

Name Returns the name of the workbook. Return value: String.

This property is read only.

NextItem Sets the focus to the next item in the workbook. Return value: . This property is read only.
Parent Returns the application associated with the workbook. Return value: . This property is read only.
Path Returns the file path of the workbook. Return value: String.

This property is read only.

PrintFooter Returns or sets the document footer used when printing.

Return or assignment value: String.

PrintHeader Returns or sets the document header used when printing.

Return or assignment value: String.

Root Returns the root folder of the workbook. Return value: .

This property is read only.

Saved Returns or sets whether the latest changes in the document have been saved. Return or assignment value: Boolean.
TabControlOrientation Returns or sets the orientation of the tab control (left, right, top, bottom). Return or assignment value: .
TabControlVisible Returns or sets the visibility of the tab control.

Return or assignment value: Boolean.

TreeWidth Returns or sets the document tree width in twips.

Return or assignment value: Integer.

Visible Returns or sets the visibility of the workbook.

Return or assignment value: Boolean.

Width Returns or sets the width of folder multi-item display in twips.

Return or assignment value: Integer.

Window Returns the window of the workbook. Return value: . This property is read only.


Name Description
Activate Called when the workbook is brought to the front.
BeforeClose Called before the workbook is closed.
BeforeInsertObject Called when an object is about to be inserted into the Workbook.
BeforeMultiItemActivate Called before the item is activated in a multi-item display.
BeforeMultiItemDisplay Called before the item is drawn in a multi-item display.
BeforePrint Called before the workbook is printed.
BeforeRightClick Called before an area in the workbook is right clicked.
BeforeSave Called before the workbook is saved.
Deactivate Called when the workbook loses the focus.
OnClose Called when the workbook is closed.
Open Called when the workbook is opened.
SelectionChanged Called when the item selection in a workbook is changed.