
Returns the beginning and ending indices of the selected text within the report.

Syntax Parameters Return/assignment value
Sub Report.GetSelection( _
    ByRef Start As Integer, _
    ByRef End As Integer)
  • Start [out]

    Integer variable to hold the first index of the selected range.

    Type: Integer

  • End [out]

    Integer variable to hold the last index of the selected range.

    Type: Integer

This function does not return a value.

SVB Example

Getting the selected text from a report:

Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Sub Main
    Dim rpt As New Report
    rpt.SelectionText = "The fox jumps over the lazy dog"
    Dim StartText As PortInt
    Dim EndText As PortInt
    'StartText and EndText will be 2 and 10, respectively
    rpt.GetSelection(StartText, EndText)
    rpt.Visible = True
End Sub