
Enhanced export of a spreadsheet to a text file with many options.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
Function DBTable.ExportTextEnhEx( _
    FileName As String, _
    Optional TextEncoding As Integer = 1, _
    Optional FirstRow As Long = 1, _
    Optional LastRow As Long = 0, _
    Optional FirstColumn As Long = 1, _
    Optional LastColumn As Long = 0, _
    Optional RowSeparator As String = "\r\n", _
    Optional ColSeparator As String = "\t", _
    Optional CaseNamesToFirstColumn As Boolean = True, _
    Optional VariableNamesToFirstRow As Boolean = True, _
    Optional IncludeHeaderAndInfoBox As Boolean = False, _
    Optional UseLongVariableNames As Boolean = True, _
    Optional UseTextLabels As Boolean = True, _
    Optional UseDisplay As Boolean = True, _
    Optional EnglishNumbers As Boolean = True, _
    Optional LikeExcel As Boolean = True, _
    Optional OverWriteFile As Boolean = True) As Boolean
  • FileName [in]

    Type: String

  • TextEncoding [in, optional]

    Type: Integer

    Default value: 1

  • FirstRow [in, optional]

    Type: Long

    Default value: 1

  • LastRow [in, optional]

    Type: Long

    Default value: 0

  • FirstColumn [in, optional]

    Type: Long

    Default value: 1

  • LastColumn [in, optional]

    Type: Long

    Default value: 0

  • RowSeparator [in, optional]

    Type: String

    Default value: "\r\n"

  • ColSeparator [in, optional]

    Type: String

    Default value: "\t"

  • CaseNamesToFirstColumn [in, optional]

    Type: Boolean

    Default value: True

  • VariableNamesToFirstRow [in, optional]

    Type: Boolean

    Default value: True

  • IncludeHeaderAndInfoBox [in, optional]

    Type: Boolean

    Default value: False

  • UseLongVariableNames [in, optional]

    Type: Boolean

    Default value: True

  • UseTextLabels [in, optional]

    Type: Boolean

    Default value: True

  • UseDisplay [in, optional]

    Type: Boolean

    Default value: True

  • EnglishNumbers [in, optional]

    Type: Boolean

    Default value: True

  • LikeExcel [in, optional]

    Type: Boolean

    Default value: True

  • OverWriteFile [in, optional]

    Type: Boolean

    Default value: True
