Query Members


Name Description
CancelRefresh Discontinues the refreshing of the query.
Refresh Refreshes the query.
RefreshEx Refreshes the query with parameters and prompt.
RefreshWithParameters Refreshes the query with parameters.
UpdateContent -


Name Description
Application Returns the application associated with the query. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
BackgroundQuery Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
ColumnDecreasedAction Return/assignment value: QueryDataDecreasedAction.
ColumnIncreasedAction Return/assignment value: QueryDataIncreasedAction.
ColumnNamePlacement Return/assignment value: QueryColumnNamePlacement.
CommandText Returns/sets the command text of a query. Return/assignment value: String.
Connection Returns/sets the connection string of a query. Return/assignment value: Variant.
ContentData Return/assignment value: Variant.
DestinationCase Returns/sets the spreadsheet case which the query will be written to. Return/assignment value: Integer.
DestinationVariable Returns/sets the spreadsheet variable which the query will be written to. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Editable Returns/sets whether the query is editable. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
FetchedRowCount Returns the number of rows that has been fetched so far. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
FitSpreadsheet Sets if the query takes over its spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
FormatTextColumnAsText Return/assignment value: Boolean.
FormatVariable Return/assignment value: Boolean.
FormatVariantColumnAsText Return/assignment value: Boolean.
IncludeRowNumber Return/assignment value: Boolean.
MaxRow Returns/sets the maximum number of rows that the query may return. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Name Returns/sets the name of a query. Return/assignment value: String.
OleColumnMaxSize Maximum size of Ole columns. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Parent Returns the spreadsheet associated with the query. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
Provider Returns/sets the ADO.NET provider of a query. Return/assignment value: String.
QueryTimeOut Return/assignment value: Integer.
Refreshing Returns whether the query is refreshing. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
RowDecreasedAction Return/assignment value: QueryDataDecreasedAction.
RowIncreasedAction Return/assignment value: QueryDataIncreasedAction.
TextColumnMaxSize Maximum size of text columns. Return/assignment value: Integer.
TreatQueryTextAsStoredProcedure Return/assignment value: Boolean.