ProWeibullProbabilityPaper Members

These members are related to Weibull probability paper dialog.


Name Description
Cancel -
OK Return value: Integer.


Name Description
AddConstantTo0FailureCensoringTimes Add a constant to 0 (zero) failure and censoring times. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AddPLabelsAndGridLinesAtExtremeEnds Add p labels and gridlines at extreme ends. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AddPrincipalAbscissa Add principal abscissa (characteristic life). Return/assignment value: Integer.
Application Returns application object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
CodeForCensoredResponses Code for censored responses. Return/assignment value: String.
CodeForCompleteResponses Code for complete responses (observed failures). Return/assignment value: String.
MaximumPValue Maximum p value. Return/assignment value: Double.
MaximumTimeToFailure Maximum time to failure. Return/assignment value: Double.
MinimumPValue Minimum p value. Return/assignment value: Double.
Name Return value: String. This property is read only.
Parent Returns the parent of the object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ProbabilityPlotPaper Probability plot, Weibull paper. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ResultsCodes Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsOption Assignment value: Integer.
ResultsOutputFields Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsSaveFileName Assignment value: String.
ResultsSelection Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsSelectionOption Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsValues Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsVariables Assignment value: Variant.
StepSizeForTime Step size, for time (scale). Return/assignment value: Double.
StepSizeOfPValue Step size, for p value. Return/assignment value: Double.
ValueToAddTo0FailureCensoringTimes Value (constant) to add to 0 (zero) failure and censoring times. Return/assignment value: Double.
Variables Variables for analysis, optional failure times and censoring indicator. Return/assignment value: String.
WeibullOffset Weibull offset value. Return/assignment value: Double.