
Use this property to get or set the text within the macro.

Syntax Parameters Return value
- - String

SVB Example

Creating a new macro from a template macro

Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Sub Main
    Dim m As Macro
    Set m = Macros.Open(Path & _
        "\Examples\Macros\Graph Examples\GraphLib.svx")
    'get the functions from the GraphLib.svx
    Dim MacroText As String
    MacroText = m.Text
    Set m = Nothing
    Set m = Macros.New
    'create a new template for a graph customizing application
    m.Text = "Sub Main" & vbCrLf & "'TODO: Insert Graph Function Calls Here" _
        & vbCrLf & "End Sub" _
        & vbCrLf & MacroText
    m.Visible = True
End Sub