ProProcessCapability Members

These members are related to Process capability analysis dialog, raw data.


Name Description
Cancel -
OK Return value: Integer.


Name Description
Application Returns application object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
Beta Beta distribution, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
BetaOffset Offset value, for fitting beta distribution. Return/assignment value: Double.
BetaScale Scale parameter, for fitting beta distribution. Return/assignment value: Double.
BoosTest Boost test for constant skewness and kurtosis. Return/assignment value: Integer.
BrownForsytheTest Brown-Forsythe test for constant variance. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Codes Codes, identifying samples in data. Return/assignment value: String.
ConstantLocationPValue P-value for constant location. Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantSampleSize Use constant sample size (multiple samples). Return/assignment value: Integer.
ConstantSkewnessKurtosisPValue P-value for constant skewness and kurtosis. Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantVariancePValue P-value for constant variance. Return/assignment value: Double.
DIN55319 Use DIN 55319. Return/assignment value: Integer.
EppsPulleyTest Epps-Pulley test for normality. Return/assignment value: Integer.
EstimateSigmaFromRanges Estimate sigma from ranges. Return/assignment value: Integer.
EstimateSigmaFromStandardDeviations Estimate sigma from standard deviations. Return/assignment value: Integer.
EstimateSigmaFromVariances Estimate sigma from variances. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Exponential Exponential distribution, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ExponentialOffset Offset value, for fitting exponential distribution. Return/assignment value: Double.
ExtremeValueTypeI Extreme value distribution, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
FTestConstantLocation F-test for constant location. Return/assignment value: Integer.
FitAllDistributions Fit all distributions. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
FitJohnsonByPercentile Fit general non-normal distributions using percentile method. Return/assignment value: Integer.
FoldedNormal Folded normal distribution, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
FoldedNormalOffset Offset value, for fitting folded normal distribution. Return/assignment value: Double.
Gamma Gamma distribution, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
GammaOffset Offset value, for fitting gamma distribution. Return/assignment value: Double.
GaussianMixture Gaussian mixture, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
GeneralNonNormal Johnson distribution (non-normal), fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
GroupingVariable Grouping variable. Return/assignment value: Integer.
GrubbsTestKValue K-value for Grubbs test to remove outlier. Return/assignment value: Integer.
GrubbsTestPValue P-Value for Grubbs test to remove outlier. Return/assignment value: Double.
HalfNormal Half normal distribution, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
HalfNormalOffset Offset value, for fitting half normal distribution. Return/assignment value: Double.
ISO21747 Use ISO 21747. Return/assignment value: Integer.
KeepCodesInDataFileOrder Keep codes in data file order. Return/assignment value: Integer.
KruskalWallisTest Kruskal-Wallis for constant location. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LeveneTest Levene test for constant variance. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LillieforsTest Lilliefors test for normality. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LinearTrendPValue P-Value for Linear trend test. Return/assignment value: Double.
LogNormal Log-normal distribution, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LogNormalOffset Offset value, for fitting log-normal distribution. Return/assignment value: Double.
MedianTestConstantLccation Median test for constant location. Return/assignment value: Integer.
MethodForModelA1 Select computational method for Model A1. Return/assignment value: ProCapabilityTimeDistributionModelMethod.
MethodForModelA2 Select computational method for Model A2. Return/assignment value: ProCapabilityTimeDistributionModelMethod.
MethodForModelB Select computational method for Model B. Return/assignment value: ProCapabilityTimeDistributionModelMethod.
MethodForModelC1 Select computational method for Model C1. Return/assignment value: ProCapabilityTimeDistributionModelMethod.
MethodForModelC2 Select computational method for Model C2. Return/assignment value: ProCapabilityTimeDistributionModelMethod.
MethodForModelC3 Select computational method for Model C3. Return/assignment value: ProCapabilityTimeDistributionModelMethod.
MethodForModelC4 Select computational method for Model C4. Return/assignment value: ProCapabilityTimeDistributionModelMethod.
MethodForModelD Select computational method for Model D. Return/assignment value: ProCapabilityTimeDistributionModelMethod.
Name Return value: String. This property is read only.
NoGroupingSingleSample No grouping in data, single sample. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NormalAndGeneralNonNormal Normal and general non-normal distributions, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NormalityTestPValue P-Value for normality. Return/assignment value: Double.
Parent Returns the parent of the object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ProcessSpecifications Process specifications. Return/assignment value: String.
Rayleigh Rayleigh distribution, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
RayleighOffset Offset value, for fitting Rayleigh distribution. Return/assignment value: Double.
RemoveOutliers Remove outliers using Grubbs test. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ResultsCodes Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsOption Assignment value: Integer.
ResultsOutputFields Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsSaveFileName Assignment value: String.
ResultsSelection Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsSelectionOption Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsValues Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsVariables Assignment value: Variant.
SelectAllCodes Select all codes found in the data file. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ShapiroWilkTest Shapiro-Wilk test for normality. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseANOVAForMuHatAddComputationISOMethodM2And3 Use ANOVA For Mu Hat Add Computation Method M2 And 3. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseANOVAForMuHatAddComputationMethodM5And6 Use ANOVA For Mu Hat Add Computation Method M5 And 6. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseAverageStdDevComputationISOMethodM2And3 Use Average Std Dev Computation Method M2 And 3. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseAverageStdDevComputationMethodM5And6 Use Average Std Dev Computation Method M5 And 6. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseC4FactorForStdDevComputationISOMethodM2And3 Use C4 Factor For Std Dev Computation Method M2 And 3. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseC4FactorForStdDevComputationMethodM5And6 Use C4 Factor For Std Dev Computation Method M5 And 6. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseMeansEstimatorForComputationOfCpkForISOMethodM1l6 Use Means Estimator For Computation Of Cpk For Method M1l6. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseMeansEstimatorForComputationOfCpkForMethodM4 Use Means Estimator For Computation Of Cpk For Method M4. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseQuantileEstimatorForComputationOfCpkForISOMethodM1l6 Use Quantile Estimator For Computation Of Cpk For Method M1l6. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseQuantileEstimatorForComputationOfCpkForMethodM4 Use Quantile Estimator For Computation Of Cpk For Method M4. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseRangeForMuHatAddComputationISOMethodM2And3 Use Range For Mu Hat Add Computation Method M2 And 3. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseRangeForMuHatAddComputationMethodM5And6 Use Range For Mu Hat Add Computation Method M5 And 6. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseRangeForStdDevComputationISOMethodM2And3 Use Range For Std Dev Computation Method M2 And 3. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseRangeForStdDevComputationMethodM5And6 Use Range For Std Dev Computation Method M5 And 6. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseSampleMeanForComputationISOMethodM1l5 Use Sample Mean For Computation Method M1l5. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseSampleMeanForComputationISOMethodM1l6 Use Sample Mean For Computation Method M1l6. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseSampleMeanForComputationMethodM3 Use Sample Mean For Computation Method M3. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseSampleMeanForComputationMethodM4 Use Sample Mean For Computation Method M4. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseSampleMediansForComputationISOMethodM1l5 Use Sample Medians For Computation Method M1l5. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseSampleMediansForComputationISOMethodM1l6 Use Sample Medians For Computation Method M1l6. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseSampleMediansForComputationMethodM3 Use Sample Medians For Computation Method M3. Return/assignment value: Integer.
UseSampleMediansForComputationMethodM4 Use Sample Medians For Computation Method M4. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ValueOfConstantSampleSize Value of constant sample size. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Variables Variables for analysis. Return/assignment value: String.
Weibull Weibull distribution, fit to data. Return/assignment value: Integer.
WeibullOffset Offset value, for fitting Weibull distribution. Return/assignment value: Double.