Range Members


Name Description
Activate Sets the focus to the range.
AddToMarked Sets the range as marked cells.
Apply Applies a format object to the range.
ApplyFormat Applies a format to the range.
AutoFill Performs extrapolation from the range.
AutoFit Sets the column width to fit the column content.
BlockStatsColumns Performs the specified block statistics (by column) on the range.
BlockStatsColumnsEx Performs the specified block statistics (by column) on the range. Return value: Spreadsheet.
BlockStatsRows Performs the specified block statistics (by row) on the range.
BlockStatsRowsEx Performs the specified block statistics (by row) on the range. Return value: Spreadsheet.
Clear Set the entire range to missing data.
ClearFormats Clears all special formatting from the range.
ColumnStats Performs the specified block statistics (by column) on the range.
ColumnsAutoFit Auto fits the column width to the column text.
FillDown Fills down from the range.
FillRandomValues Fills the range with random values.
FillRight Fills to the right of the range.
Find Searches for the specified text within the range. Return value: Range.
FindNext Searches for the next occurrence of the specified text within the range. Return value: Range.
NewFormat Creates a new format based on the format of the range.
Offset Returns range at an offset from the current one.
PrintOut Prints the range.
RemoveFromMarked Sets the range to not be marked cells.
RepeatLastFindReplace Searches for the next occurrence of the specified text within the range and replaces it with another specified text string.
Replace Searches for the specified text within the range and replaces it with another specified text string. Return value: Boolean.
ReplaceMarked -
RowStats Performs the specified block statistics (by row) on the range.
RowsAutoFit Auto fits the row height to the row text.
Select Selects the specified cells in a range.
Show Adjusts the spreadsheet to bring the range into view.
StandardizeColumns Standardizes the range by column.
StandardizeRows Standardizes the range by row.


Name Description
Application Returns the application associated with the range. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
Areas Returns range or collection of ranges. Return value: Areas. This property is read only.
Blend Returns/sets color blend for a range. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Border Returns/sets the border style of the range. Return value: Border. This property is read only.
Cases Returns spreadsheet Cases as a collection. Return value: Areas. This property is read only.
CellText Returns the text of the specified cell in the range. Return value: String. This property is read only.
CellTextEx Returns the text of the specified cell, formatted with the format string, in the range. Return value: String. This property is read only.
CellTextString Returns/sets cell style text string for a range. Return/assignment value: String.
CellTextStyle Returns/sets cell style text for a range. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
CellValue Returns/sets the value of the specified cell in the range. Return/assignment value: Variant.
Cells Returns individual cell as range. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
Column Returns the first column of the first range. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
ColumnLongName Returns/sets the long name of a column. Return/assignment value: String.
ColumnMD Returns/sets the missing data value of a column. Return/assignment value: Variant.
ColumnName Returns/sets the name of a column. Return/assignment value: String.
ColumnType Returns/sets the variable type of a column. Return/assignment value: ColumnType.
ColumnTypeLen Returns/sets the data type length of a column. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ColumnWidth Returns/sets the width of a column. Return/assignment value: Double.
Combine Combines two ranges and returns the sum as a range. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
ContentData Get the content data in a specified format. Return value: Variant. This property is read only.
Count Returns the number of elements in a range. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
Effect3D Returns/sets the 3D style for a range. Return/assignment value: Integer.
EntireColumn Returns a Range that represents entire column that contains the Range. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
EntireRow Returns a Range that represents entire row that contains the Range. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
Font Returns/sets the font of the range. Return value: Font. This property is read only.
HorizontalAlignment Returns/sets a horizontal alignment of the range. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Item Returns a single cell. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
LastColumn Returns the last column of the first range. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
LastRow Returns the last row of the first range. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
Marked Returns whether the range is marked cells. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
MergeCells Returns/sets merging for a range. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Name Returns the name for either the entire range or a range item. Return value: String. This property is read only.
Next Returns the next cell. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
NumberFormat Returns/sets the display format of the range. Return/assignment value: String.
Orientation Returns an orientation of text in the range. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Parent Returns the spreadsheet associated with the range. Return value: Spreadsheet. This property is read only.
Previous Returns the previous cell. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
Range Returns a range of cells. Return value: Range. This property is read only.
RangeType Toggles the type of range (empty range, multiple range, single-cell range, single range). Return value: SpreadsheetRangeType. This property is read only.
Row Returns the first row of the first range. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
RowHeight Returns/sets the row height of a column. Return/assignment value: Double.
RowName Returns/sets the row name of a column. Return/assignment value: String.
StaFont Returns the font of the range. Return value: StaFont. This property is read only.
Text Returns the text for either the entire range or a range item. Return value: String. This property is read only.
TextEx Returns the text value of the specified cell formatted with the format string. Return value: String. This property is read only.
Value Returns/sets the value for either the entire range or a range item. Return/assignment value: Variant.
Variables Returns spreadsheet variables as a collection. Return value: Areas. This property is read only.
VerticalAlignment Returns/sets a vertical alignment of the range. Return/assignment value: Integer.
WrapText Returns/sets wrapping for a range. Return/assignment value: Boolean.