SVB Example
Data Entry Example 11: Searching for sample inconsistencies:
Sub Main 'Following the "Searching samples for a pattern" example, we discovered an odd pattern of 'a baker having numerous unacceptable grain-level entries made for her. We suspect that 'the person who entered and approved the sample data accidentally entered the same entry 'into 3 separate samples. An easy way to prove this will be to see if any of this baker's 'grain-level entries are in samples from bakeries that she doesn't even work at. Dim oOM As New ObjectManager 'Reconnect into Enterprise oOM.Reconnect Application 'We know that Gabi works at the Vandalia bakery, so we will limit our search to 'all the bakeries EXCEPT for Vandalia. If there are any results for her in 'other bakery samples, then we know there was a mistake. Dim Bakeries() As String ReDim Bakeries(oOM.Labels("/Blake's Materials/Bakeries").LabelValueList.Count()) Dim i As Long 'Make a list of all bakeries from our "Bakeries" label, excluding Vandalia For i = 1 To oOM.Labels("/Blake's Materials/Bakeries").LabelValueList.Count If StrComp(oOM.Labels("/Blake's Materials/Bakeries").LabelValueList.Item(i), "Vandalia", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then Bakeries(i) = oOM.Labels("/Blake's Materials/Bakeries").LabelValueList.Item(i) End If Next 'Specify our search information Dim searchInfo As New SampleSearchOptions 'Search for only approved and completed samples searchInfo.IncludeApprovalAndCompleteData = True searchInfo.CompleteStatus = swcSampleCompleted searchInfo.ApprovalStatus = swcSampleApproved 'Here we limit our search to all the bakeries except Vandalia searchInfo.AddSampleLabelEx(oOM.Labels("/Blake's Materials/Bakeries"), Bakeries) 'Only look at samples approved by Blake, we suspect he is the admin making mistakes searchInfo.Approver = oOM.Users("Blake") 'We are looking at samples from the Bread Measurements data entry setup searchInfo.Profile = oOM.Profiles("/Blake's Materials/Bread Measurements") searchInfo.UseSeparateConnection = True 'Launch the search Dim foundSamples As Samples Set foundSamples = oOM.DataEntry.SearchSamples(searchInfo) 'Connect to the first sample Dim currentSample As Sample Set currentSample = foundSamples.Next 'A message for our output report Dim rptMsg As String, bakeryMismatch As String rptMsg = "Samples for Gabi at bakeries she doesn't even work at:" + vbCrLf + _ "------------------------------------------------------" + vbCrLf 'Iterate through the search results and record anywhere the baker is named "Gabi". 'Our search results are excluding Vandalia (the bakery she actually works at), so she shouldn't 'have any samples in these results. While Not(currentSample Is Nothing) For i = 1 To currentSample.Data.Pieces.Count If currentSample.Data.Pieces(i).FindLabelData(oOM.Labels("/Blake's Materials/Bakers")).Value = "Gabi" Then rptMsg = rptMsg & "Sample #" & Trim(Str(currentSample.ID)) & vbTab & _ "BAKERY: " & currentSample.LabelData(i) & vbCrLf 'Note: You must call AddSampleLabelEx to include sample labels in the search results. 'This requirement affects Sample.LabelData(). End If Next Set currentSample = foundSamples.Next Wend 'If there is anything in this report, then Blake will have some explaining to do Dim rpt As New Report rpt.SelectionText = rptMsg rpt.Visible = True 'Disciplinary actions: 'After discovering Blake's major data entry errors, we also discover that he 'is in the "Statistician" group; however, he is not a statistician. So here we 'will remove his membership from this group. Dim Blake As User Set Blake = oOM.Users("Blake") Blake.AutoSave = False Blake.MemberOf.Remove("Statistician") 'Also, remove him from the admin group and move him into the engineers instead. Blake.MemberOf.Remove("Administrators") Blake.MemberOf.Add(oOM.Groups("Engineer")) Dim demotionInfo As New UserUpdateInfo demotionInfo.AuditLogReason = "Move him out of statistician and admin groups and into engineers." Blake.SaveEx(demotionInfo) 'We could also terminate him from the company. Uncomment this code 'to remove him from the system: 'Dim terminationInfo As New RemoveInfo 'terminationInfo.AuditLogReason = "Sloppy data entry. He also approved his own samples, which had glaring issues." & vbCrLf & _ ' "Finally, he recommended terminating a baker--the very one whose data entry he messed up." 'oOM.Users.RemoveEx("Blake", terminationInfo) oOM.Disconnect End Sub
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