SWSPermissions Members
Name | Description |
AdjustGroupMembers | Add/Remove/Set one or more local group members (users or groups). |
AdjustUserGroups | Add/Remove/Set one or more groups that a user belongs to. |
ChangeShow | Change display flags and reload security information. |
CopyFrom | Add/Overwrite or completely replace permissions from another permission set. |
CreateGroup | Create local group. |
CreateUser | Create local user. |
DeleteGroup | Delete local group. |
DeleteUser | Delete local user. |
GetInherited | Are permissions inherited from a parent. Return value: SWSPermissionsInherit. |
GetXML | Return value: String. |
LoadResponse | Load permissions modifications from the response Dictionary. |
LocalGroups | Return collection of normal local and user-defined groups (SWS_USER and SWS?_*). Return value: String(). |
Names | Return collection of associated group and/or user names (or all users), or members of a particular group. Return value: String(). |
Remove | Remove a SWSPermission entry by name, index, or object reference. Return value: SWSPermission. |
RemoveAll | Remove all permissions, except that of the current user. |
Set | Add/Set permissions for a user or group. Return value: SWSPermission. |
SetGroupDescription | Set or clear the optional description for a group. |
SetInherited | Reset permissions to inherit from parent. |
UserGroups | Return collection of groups a user belongs to. Return value: String(). |
Name | Description |
CanHaveChildren | Can control contain arbitrary child controls. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only. |
Children | Returns the collection of child controls. Return value: SWSCollection. This property is read only. |
Count | Return count of SWSPermission entries. Return value: Long. This property is read only. |
CustomAttributes | Get/Set custom attributes. Return/assignment value: String. |
DescriptiveName | Return/Set the control descriptive name. Return/assignment value: String. |
Enabled | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
GroupDescription | Return the optional description for a group. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
Item | Return a SWSPermission entry by name or index. Return value: SWSPermission. This property is read only. |
Name | Return/Set the control name. Return/assignment value: String. |
NameType | Return whether a given name is a group, user, or unknown. Return value: SWSMemberType. This property is read only. |
OnClick | Return/assignment value: String. |
ParentCollection | Returns the possible parent collection that holds this control. Return value: SWSCollection. This property is read only. |
Show | Return display flags. Return value: SWSPermShow. This property is read only. |
Style | Get/Set button style. Return/assignment value: String. |
Type | Returns the type of control. Return value: SWSControlType. This property is read only. |
Uri | Return the uri most recently associated with this permission set. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
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