SWSButton Members


Name Description
SetLogout Make button a logout button.


Name Description
Action Get/Set button action type. Return/assignment value: SWSButtonAction.
Allvars Get/Set allvars. Return/assignment value: SWSAllvars.
Binary Get/Set binary. Return/assignment value: String.
CanHaveChildren Can control contain arbitrary child controls. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
Children Returns the collection of child controls. Return value: SWSCollection. This property is read only.
ConfirmMessage Get/Set confirmation text displayed before button submit. Return/assignment value: String.
CustomAttributes Get/Set custom attributes. Return/assignment value: String.
Default Get/Set the button's default behavior for an enter keypress. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DescriptiveName Return/Set the control descriptive name. Return/assignment value: String.
DisabledFontFace Return/assignment value: String.
DisabledFontSize Return/assignment value: String.
DisabledTxtColor Return/assignment value: String.
Enabled Return/assignment value: Boolean.
FontFace Return/assignment value: String.
FontSize Return/assignment value: String.
Height Return/assignment value: String.
Image Get the buttons image control. Return value: SWSImage. This property is read only.
JobQueue Get/Set job queue. Return/assignment value: SWSJobQueue.
Name Return/Set the control name. Return/assignment value: String.
OnClick Return/assignment value: String.
Page Get/Set page. Return/assignment value: String.
ParentCollection Returns the possible parent collection that holds this control. Return value: SWSCollection. This property is read only.
Script Get/Set script. Return/assignment value: String.
Src Get/Set source. Return/assignment value: String.
Style Get/Set button style. Return/assignment value: String.
Text Return/assignment value: String.
TxtColor Return/assignment value: String.
Type Returns the type of control. Return value: SWSControlType. This property is read only.
ValidateForm Return/assignment value: SWSButtonValidate.
Variables Get/Set the button variables dictionary. Return/assignment value: Dictionary.
Width Return/assignment value: String.