Response Members


Name Description
AddOnSuccess -
CancelPage Reset/delete everything related to the currently managed page, including page name.
Clear Clear all current defined output.
Find Find the control and return its position in the collection. Return value: Boolean.
Flatten Collapse child SWSCollection objects, moving their children into this collection.
HideMenu -
LoadPage Return value: SWSCollection.
Remove Remove a control from the collection. Return value: SWSControl.
SavePage Save full page and objects into PageName subdirectory.
SavePageSimple Save simple page without any object references. Page is saved as simple named XML file, without the extra subdirectory structure.
SetPageFolder Request that a new uri be used for the page folder. Return value: String.
SetPageName Request that a new page name be used within the current directory structure. Return value: String.
Write Write output. Return value: SWSControl.
WritePDF Write a Statistica Report as a PDF. Return value: SWSControl.
WriteRawHTML Write raw HTML tags to output. Return value: SWSControl.


Name Description
AutoSavePage Return/assignment value: Boolean.
CanHaveChildren Can control contain arbitrary child controls. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
Children Returns the collection of child controls. Return value: SWSCollection. This property is read only.
Count Return value: Long. This property is read only.
CustomAttributes Get/Set custom attributes. Return/assignment value: String.
DescriptiveName Return/Set the control descriptive name. Return/assignment value: String.
Dirty Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Enabled Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Item Return value: SWSControl. This property is read only.
Name Return/Set the control name. Return/assignment value: String.
OnClick Return/assignment value: String.
Owner Returns the possible control that owns this collection. Return value: SWSControl. This property is read only.
PageFolderUri Retrieve uri of folder of current page (without filename). Return value: String. This property is read only.
PageName Retrieve the name of the currently managed page. Return value: String. This property is read only.
PageUri Retrieve the full uri, with filename, of the current page. Return value: String. This property is read only.
ParentCollection Returns the possible parent collection that holds this control. Return value: SWSCollection. This property is read only.
ReturnToScript Sets/Gets flag to return back to script from page. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
SWSButton Return value: SWSButton. This property is read only.
SWSButtonMenuBar Return value: SWSButtonMenuBar. This property is read only.
SWSCheckbox Return value: SWSCheckbox. This property is read only.
SWSDialog Return value: SWSDialog. This property is read only.
SWSEdit Return value: SWSEdit. This property is read only.
SWSImage Return value: SWSImage. This property is read only.
SWSLink Return value: SWSLink. This property is read only.
SWSList Return value: SWSList. This property is read only.
SWSRadiobutton Return value: SWSRadiobutton. This property is read only.
SWSSelect Return value: SWSSelect. This property is read only.
SWSStatic Return value: SWSStatic. This property is read only.
SWSTextArea Return value: SWSTextArea. This property is read only.
SWSTreeExplorer Return value: SWSTreeExplorer. This property is read only.
SWSVarNode Return value: SWSVarNode. This property is read only.
SWSVarSelection Return value: SWSVarSelection. This property is read only.
Style Get/Set button style. Return/assignment value: String.
Type Returns the type of control. Return value: SWSControlType. This property is read only.