
This property returns or sets user-defined properties.

This property is read only.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
Property Library.Property( _
    section As String, _
    keyword As String) As String
  • section [in]

Section of the XML to load.

Type: String

  • keyword [in]

Type: String


SVB Example

Setting custom application properties:

Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Sub Main
    'save the employee's name as a setting under the Engineer department
    Application.Property("Engineering","EmployeeName") = "Blake M."
    Dim spr As Spreadsheet
    'retrieve the setting from the XML file and put the string into a
    'spreadsheet's title
    Set spr = Spreadsheets.New( _
    Application.Property("Engineering","EmployeeName") & "'s Data File")
    spr.Visible = True
End Sub