ChartType Enumeration
Specifies the Quality Control Chart Type for standard Profiles and Monitors.
Enum ChartType
swcXBarAndR = 101
swcIndividualAndMovingRange = 102
swcXBarAndS = 103
swcMovingAverage = 111
swcMovingAverageAndR = 117
swcMovingAverageAndS = 118
swcC = 105
swcU = 106
swcNP = 107
swcP = 108
swcEWMA_AndR = 119
swcEWMA_AndS = 120
End Enum
- swcXBarAndR: Combined variable X-bar and R chart.
- swcIndividualAndMovingRange: Individual and Moving Range chart.
- swcXBarAndS: Combined X-bar and S chart.
- swcMovingAverage: Moving average chart.
- swcMovingAverageAndR: Combined Moving Average and R chart.
- swcMovingAverageAndS: Combined Moving Average and S chart.
- swcC: Attribute C chart.
- swcU: Attribute U chart.
- swcNP:Attribute NP chart.
- swcP: Attribute P chart.
- swcEWMA_AndR: EWMA and R chart.
- swcEWMA_AndS: EWMA and S chart.
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