SWSServer Members


Name Description
ApplySecurity -
CopyDirectory Copy a subdirectory into a new parent directory. Return value: String.
CopyFile Copy a file to a new directory and optional filename. Return value: String.
CreateDirectory Create a new subdirectory. Return value: String.
CreateTempFile Create a session-temporary file and optionally set its contents. Return value: String.
CreateUniqueFile Create a uniquely named file and optionally set its contents. Return value: String.
Decode64 Decode base64 data to its original form. Return value: Variant.
Decode64Text Decode text-based base64 data to a string. Return value: String.
DecodeUriUsername Return value: String.
DeleteDirectory Remove a subdirectory.
DeleteFiles Delete file or files from a directory, and possibly subdirectories.
Encode64 Encode a string to base64. Return value: String.
FindFiles Return value: String().
GetDataSources -
GetModifiedTimeStamp Return value: String.
GetPath Return value: String.
GetSecurity Return value: SWSPermissions.
HashUri Return value: String.
LoadGraph Return value: Object.
LoadPage Return value: SWSCollection.
LoadProfileInfo Return value: SWSProfileInfo.
LoadReport Return value: Object.
LoadSVBScript Return value: Object.
LoadSpreadsheet Return value: Object.
LoadText Return value: String.
LoadWorkbook Return value: Object.
LoadXMLString Return value: SWSCollection.
MoveDirectory Move a subdirectory into a new parent directory. Return value: String.
MoveFile Move a file to a new directory and optional filename. Return value: String.
QueryTreeExplorer Return value: String.
RenameDirectory Rename a subdirectory to a new name within the same directory. Return value: String.
RenameFile Rename a file to a new name within the same directory. Return value: String.
SaveBinary Save a binary file.
SaveBinary64 Decode base64 data and save to a file.
SaveGraph -
SavePage Save full page and objects into uriFolder subdirectory.
SavePageSimple Save simple page without any object references. Page is saved as simple named XML file, without the extra subdirectory structure.
SaveProfileInfo -
SaveReport -
SaveSVBScript -
SaveSpreadsheet -
SaveText -
UsernameForUri Return value: String.
ZipPageObjects Create temporary ZIP of all native Statistica objects (e.g. STA, STG) on a page. Return value: String.


Name Description
BatchJob Check if this is a batch job. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
DirectoryExists Check if a directory exists. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
FileExists Check if a file exists. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
GlobalOptions Return value: SWSOptions. This property is read only.
ReadOnly Check if a file/directory is read-only. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
Rights Adjust user rights. Return value: SWSRights. This property is read only.
ScriptName Get uri of current script. Return value: String. This property is read only.
UserImpersonationToken Get a handle to an impersonation token for the logged in WebStatistica user. Returns a HANDLE; caller should not CloseHandle. Return value: Long. This property is read only.
UserName Get name of current user. Return value: String. This property is read only.
UserNames Return value: String(). This property is read only.
UserOptions Return value: SWSOptions. This property is read only.