StructureChangeType Enumeration

This enumeration specifies the type of Structure Changed notification being received.

Syntax Constants
Enum StructureChangeType
    scNotifySCVarsAdd = 0
    scNotifySCVarsDelete = 1
    scNotifySCVarsMove = 2
    scNotifySCVarsCopy = 3
    scNotifySCCasesAdd = 4
    scNotifySCCasesDelete = 5
    scNotifySCCasesMove = 6
    scNotifySCCasesCopy = 7
    scNotifySCVariableType = 8
    scNotifySCVariableLength = 9
    scNotifySCCaseNameLength = 10
End Enum
  • scNotifySCVarsAdd: Notification based on variables being added to the spreadsheet.
  • scNotifySCVarsDelete: Notification based on variables being deleted from the spreadsheet.
  • scNotifySCVarsMove: Notification based on variables being moved within the spreadsheet.
  • scNotifySCVarsCopy: Notification based on variables being copied in the spreadsheet.
  • scNotifySCCasesAdd: Notification based on cases being added to the spreadsheet.
  • scNotifySCCasesDelete: Notification based on cases being deleted from the spreadsheet.
  • scNotifySCCasesMove: Notification based on cases being moved within the spreadsheet.
  • scNotifySCCasesCopy: Notification based on cases being copied in the spreadsheet.
  • scNotifySCVariableType: Notification based on variable type being changed.
  • scNotifySCVariableLength: Notification based on variable length being changed.
  • scNotifySCCaseNameLength: Notification based on case name length changing.