Creating a waterfall chart
A waterfall chart shows how a value changes after being affected by various factors that either increase the value, or decrease it. The resulting value is then presented.
The waterfall chart can, for example, be useful for visualizing the development of a value over time or visualizing the contributions of different factors to a total.
The starting value and the resulting value in the visualization are represented by bars, and the value changes in-between by floating blocks that indicate the ups and downs. As a means to follow the development of the value from start to end, transition lines can be added between the different blocks.
By default, positive value changes are indicated by a green color, and negative value changes by a red color. If you want, you can specify another coloring.
If applicable, bars representing intermediate calculated totals can be shown.
Depending on how your data is organized, in a tall/skinny or short/wide format, the waterfall chart is created in slightly different ways. The data tables below both contain the same statistics for population changes over time but are organized differently.
In the tall/skinny data table to the left, numbers are provided in a single data column, and in the short/wide data table to the right, the numbers are split on multiple data columns. Procedures how to create waterfall charts based on values in a single data column, and values split on multiple columns, follow.