Specifying text color, background color, and font style for subtotals and grand totals

When the cross table shows subtotals or grand totals, it can be useful to change the color and font style to make them stand out compared to other rows and columns.

In this example, both subtotals and grand totals have been added to the cross table. The subtotal headers and values are displayed with a different text color, and the grand total headers and values have a different background color.


  1. Click the subtotal header for which you want to change the text style.
  2. Hover the mouse pointer over the Subtotal header and Subtotal values sections in the popover that opened.
    The subtotal headers and the subtotal values will be highlighted in the cross table as you move the mouse pointer between the sections.
  3. Click the text color icon in the Subtotal header section to open the color selector and choose a text color. If you want to change the color of the cells rather than the text, click the background color button and choose a color from that color selector instead.
    Depending on the selection you made, either the text color or the background color of the subtotal headers is changed to the new color.
  4. To get the same color on the entire subtotal row, like the example above, just select the same color in the Subtotal values section.
  5. To style the text or background color for grand totals, click one of the grand total headers instead. Note that grand total for columns and grand total for rows are styled separately.


The rows and columns showing subtotals and grand totals are now easier to spot in the cross table.