Specifying text color and background color for an individual header

Sometimes it is useful to change the appearance of a certain cross table header to make it stand out compared to other headers.


  1. Click the header you want to adjust individually, to open the popover containing the styling settings.
  2. In the Header section of the popover, select the Style this header individually check box.
    The highlight in the cross table will change to surround the selected header only.
  3. Click the text color button to open the color selector and choose a text color. If you want to change the color of the header cell rather than the header text, click the background color button and choose a color from that color selector instead.


Only the selected header is changed.
Note: When the Style this header individually check box is selected, then the styling affects only this individual header, and adjustments made to other headers do not have any effect on this header. If you clear the check box, the header will get the same styling as the other headers.