Loading data

The first thing to do when you start working with Spotfire is to add some data to analyze. If you are an author, you load the data to be analyzed and then create visualizations based on it. If you are a consumer, you launch an analysis that already exists, where an author has selected the data and created visualizations. The data in an analysis can be retrieved from, for example, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a text file, data saved in the library, or, data from various databases.

You add data or open analyses via the Files and data flyout (reached by clicking on the authoring bar).

The Files and data flyout contains a number of different elements:

1. The plus-sign is the access point to the Files and data flyout .

2. Search for files, data sources and data in the upper part of the flyout. You can specify what item type to search for using keywords as described in Searching the library.

3. The Recommended view will show different things depending on the context. For example, you may find sample data, or, recent analyses or recent data here.

4. Under Connect to, you will find a list of all available data connectors. Click on a connector to see a list of data connections from that source in the analysis, in the library, or to create a new connection.

5. Click Browse local file to choose data from one or more file sources, or to open local DXP files.

6. The Other option is sometimes available. It then contains the Linked copy to data table in analysis option which can be used if you want to unpivot the data in an already existing data table but also keep the original data table.

7. Click Browse the library to locate folders and files by browsing the library structure.

8. The right part of the flyout shows the available options for the selected category. For example, here you will find recent analyses or recent data, a list of available data connectors, files or folders in the library, or other types of access points.

Tip: You can also drag a supported file to the analysis directly and drop it in your browser.