Creating a Work File

Work files are the files on which you perform analytics, extract data, and store results for your projects. You can find a list of work files as well as options to create new ones from the Work Files tab of a workspace.

The types of work files are:

  • Workflows
  • Notebooks
  • Team Studio Models
  • SQL files
  • Code files
  • Text files
  • Image files
  • Links
  • Other
You can create an SQL file, a notebook, or a workflow directly from the workspace interface. The other types of files can be uploaded to the workspace using the Upload a File command.

Work file Name Validation

Valid names for work files include numbers, letters, spaces, and any of the characters ( ) . - _

Work files with other characters in the name cannot be created.



  • To create a new work file, choose Upload a File.

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