Bar Chart

Visualizes the attributes of a data set in bar chart format.

Information at a Glance

Category Explore
Data source type DB, HD
Sends output to other operators No
Data processing tool Pig
Use this operator to choose the following three attributes (columns) in the data table as the dimensions in the bar chart:
  • The X dimension (Category) takes a category-type attribute to construct the X-axis.
  • The Y dimension (Value) takes a numerical attribute to construct the Y-axis.
  • The grouped dimension (Series) accepts a category-type attribute to group the bars in the chart.


A data set from the preceding operator.


Parameter Description
Notes Any notes or helpful information about this operator's parameter settings. When you enter content in the Notes field, a yellow asterisk is displayed on the operator.
Category The categorical column for the X-axis.
Series The categorical column for the groups.
Value The numerical column for the Y-axis.


Visual Output
A bar chart such as the following example.

Data Output
None. This is a terminal operator.


The following example shows housing sale prices (Value) by number of bedrooms (Category) for each number of baths (Series).

Bar chart example showing all parameters