Creating a Join condition for a database join.

You can perform a join on two tables using the Join operator.

Perform this task in the Join Properties dialog box.


You must have two tables in your workflow that can be joined. You must have specified the properties in the Join operator Properties dialog box.


  1. From the Join operator Properties dialog box, click Define Join Conditions.
    The Join Properties - Database dialog box is displayed.
  2. If an existing Join condition exists, deselect it by clicking Clear.
  3. Select the options to add for the new join condition.
    For more information about the options, see Join Properties - Database Dialog Box.
    1. Set Left Table first.
    • For different join types, the same table can appear only once on the right side of JOIN CONDITIONS.
    • When the selected Join Type is CROSS JOIN or FULL OUTER JOIN, there are no join conditions.