Operator Explorer

From the Operators explorer, you can filter and search through the list of available operators.

An operator is a unit of computation, usually an algorithm or a data transformation task. You can connect operators together to make an analytic workflow that showcases all parts of the analytics process, from transforming the data to predicting and scoring a model.

Recently-used operators are listed first in the operator list. You can search and filter for specific operators or types of operators.

  • To search for a particular operator, type your search term in the Filter operators text box.
  • To filter by category, click the drop-down list box. For example, to filter for only those operators that are compatible with Hadoop data sources, select Hadoop-enabled in the drop-down list box.

Users with Data Analyst or Analytics Developer roles can add operators to open workflows from the Operators tab of the Explorer. Depending on the role, different sets of operators are available. Analytics Developers can use all operators, while Data Analysts can perform more ETL-oriented tasks. For more information on the permissions, see Team Studio Licensing.

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