Exploring a Data Source

To get details on a data source, you choose it from a list of data sources that are associated with or available to your workspace.

An open workspace.


  • On the Data Sources tab, select the dataset to explore by clicking its name. This brings you to the details page of the dataset.
    Note: The data view depends on the data source (DB, Hadoop, or Hive). For example, if you are working with Hadoop, the details page is displayed as rows of comma-separated values. If you are working with PostgreSQL, you see a view similar to the one shown in the following image.
    Here is a sample dataset that has been associated with the workspace:


Any Team Studio user with permission to view this dataset can use these commands:

Important: The Explore, Data Preview, Visualize, and Analyze actions can also be run on datasets that you browse to from the main data sources page.