Merging Jar With ECM.ear using UNIX


  1. Extract the Condition.jar file (maintaining the directory structure when extracting) and place the extracted directory into the classes/commonClasses directory. For example: classes/commonClasses/com/tibco/com/tibco/mdm/workflow/engine/transition/*.class.
  2. Change the directory to the parent of classes/commonClasses and run the following command (which will create a new custom jar file, ready to merge with the ECM.ear file).
$jar -cvf <new jar file name> classes

Follow these steps to merge the new condition.jar with ECM.ear:

  1. Create the directory $MQ_HOME/customEAR.
  2. Copy the condition.jar into the customEAR directory.
  3. Go to $MQ_HOME/build/custom.
  4. Execute ./ –updateEarFile.
  5. Enter "y" to merge. Continue and complete the script.
  6. The updated ECM.ear will be available at $MQ_HOME/customEAR.
  7. Deploy the new ECM.ear.
  8. Restart the MDM Server. You can now use the new conditional transition in your workflow.


Note: Alternatively, on any MDM installation, you can copy the exported jar file to the application server library directory.