Generating WSDL

Using the eclipse wizard, you can generate the WSDL.


  1. Go to File - > New - and click Other.
  2. The Select a wizard screen is displayed.
  3. Select MDM WSDL Generator from the WSDL Generator tree node.
  4. Click Next. The Wizard displays the WSDL Generator screen.
  5. Click Browse and select the path where the input file exists. All the *.rep files are populated.
  6. Select the appropriate *.rep file from the Select File drop-down list. Based on the selected repository file, the repositories are displayed in the Select Repository drop-down list.
  7. Select a repository from the Select Repository drop-down list.
  8. By default, the Relationship artifact is selected. You cannot deselect the relationship. The wsdl includes all the relationships in the repository.
  9. Click Next. The New Project screen is displayed
  10. Enter the appropriate project name in the Project Name field. By default, the project name is <repository name_webservice.
  11. Click Next. The New Project screen is displayed.
  12. To select the depth of the level of Repository or Relationships, right - click the relationship and point to Auto select to level and select the depth. For example, 3. The depth of the level is configured in the preference page. To configure the Preference perform the following.
    • From the Window, click Preference.
    • Enter the level in the Auto Select Level in WSDL Tree Selection Page field. The value must be between 1to 9.
    • Click Apply.
    • Click OK.
  13. Alternatively you can also manually select the relationship which you want and click Next. The Generation Options screen is displayed.
  14. Enter the appropriate package name in Package Name field. By default, a package name is provided. The package name convention is com.tibco.mdm.dynservices.<repository name>_webservice.You cannot modify the package name.
  15. Click Finish.
    Warning: While generating WSDL for large repository models, TIBCO MDM Studio hangs and WSDL project gets generated with an error. To fix this issue, refer to the troubleshooting section WSDL Generation Failed due to OutOfMemoryError.