Connectivity/Protocol Parameters

Connectivity and protocol parameters are associated with file transfers and file transfer protocols.

The following table lists the connectivity and protocol parameters:
Parameter Default Description
admincc-service-enabled True Enables the Command Center Admin API REST calls.
admin-service-enabled True Enables the Admin API REST calls.
ft-service-enabled True When Internet Server supports Admin (if admin server is enabled), it enables the file transfer API REST calls.
AS2Acknowledgement No default When very large AS2 requests are to be received or sent, set this parameter to deferred.

Encrypted AS2 data is written to the directory defined by the AS2TempDirectory parameter, and then processed.

AS2TempDirectory No default Defines the AS2 temporary directory generally only when very large (500MB+) AS2 files are transferred.

This parameter tells MFT to use a two stage AS2 transfers. For Uploads to MFT, encrypted AS2 data is written to this directory before being transferred to the target internal MFT servers. For Downloads from MFT, encrypted AS2 data is written to this directory before being transferred to the target AS2 server.

When this parameter is not defined, data is streamed from AS2 to the target server without writing to disk.

DisplayFTPBanner YES Defines whether the FTP/SFTP banner is displayed when the user logs on.

YES: Indicates that the FTP/SFTP banner is displayed when the user logs on.

NO: Indicates that the FTP/SFTP banner is not displayed when the user logs on.

FTPFileNameEncoding ISO-8859-1 Defined the file name encoding for FTP connections.

The default value of ISO-8859-1 can work for most western European languages. For double byte languages, set this value to UTF-8.

FTPNumberOfPorts None
Allows you to override the number of FTP ports used by this Internet Server instance. If defined, this parameter overrides the Systems Configuration: Global FTP Settings Number of Ports to Use parameter value.
Note: This parameter is ignored for Command Center.
FTPStartingPort None
Allows you to override the FTP starting port number used by this Internet Server instance. If defined, this parameter overrides the Systems Configuration: Global FTP Settings Starting Port parameter value.
Note: This parameter is ignored for Command Center.
MaxConnectionCnt 800 connections Defines how many TCP connections are processed by each MFT protocol. This parameter applies to incoming FTP/FTPS, SSH and Platform Server connection requests. This parameter does not apply to HTTP or HTTPS. To configure the max HTTP/HTTPS connections , you must update the maxConnections parameter in the HTTP/HTTPS connector defined in the server.xml file.
SSHCipherSuite All SSH ciphers Defines the SSH cipher suites supported.

When the MFT SFTP (SSH) server is started, it displays the SSH ciphers supported in the catalina.out file. Look for the header, SSH Server - supported ciphers.

SSHDigestSuite All SSH Digest Suites Defines the SSH digest suites supported.

When the MFT SFTP (SSH) server is started, it displays the SSH ciphers supported in the catalina.out file. Look for the header, SSH Server - supported hash.

SSHFileNameEncoding ISO-8859-1 Defined the file name encoding for SFTP (SSH) Connections.

The default value of ISO-8859-1 can work for most western European languages.

For double byte languages, set this value to UTF-8.

SSHKeyExchange All SSH Key Exchange algorithms except the unsecure "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1" Defines the SSH key exchange algorithms supported.

Some older SFTP clients might require "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1". When the MFT SFTP (SSH) server is started, it displays the SSH key exchange algorithms supported in the catalina.out file. Look for the header, SSH Server - supported key exchange.

SSHSecurityProvider The default MFT security provider Defines the security provider used by SFTP connections.
SSHServerHandshakeName Internet Server SSHD Allows the customer to update the response sent by the MFT Server when a connection is made to the MFT SSH Server.
TCPBufSize 1024000 Defines the TCP buffer size used by SSH, FTP and Platform Server connections.

Using a high value will increase performance over connections with high latency.

TLSCipherSuite No default Defines the cipher suites used by FTPS and Platform Server SSL connections.
This parameter is used to limit the cipher suites used in creating FTP or Platform Server SSL connections. MFT will typically default to using secure cipher suites during installation.
Note: HTTPS cipher suites are defined in the HTTPS connector in the <MFT_Install>/server/conf/server.xml directory.
TLSProtocols TLSv1.2 Defines the protocols supported by FTP and Platform Server SSL connections. Valid values are:TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1
TLSSecurityProvider The default MFT security provider Defines the security provider used by FTP and Platform Server SSL connections.
TempDir No default Defines the temp directory that MFT uses when the virus scan is enabled.
UserSessionLimit None Defines the number of concurrent sessions that a user can have. By default, a user can have unlimited sessions. Be careful about setting this parameter too low. Some FTP or SFTP clients create a session for each concurrent transfer. So a transfer can fail if this parameter is set too low. Additionally, when a single user is utilized to perform automated transfers, these transfers can fail if this parameter is set too low.