Setting Up Platform Server Transfers

You can set up transfer definitions to allow Platform Server clients to send files to or receive files from TIBCO MFT Platform Server.


  1. Configure Platform Server.
    1. Click Administration > Transfer Servers > Platform Server > Configure Platform Server.
    2. On the Configure Platform Server page, configure the server settings for your Platform Server.
      For more information on configuring Platform Server, see TIBCO Managed File Transfer Internet Server User's Guide.
      Note: The IP port needs to match the port number used in the Platform Server transfer. This port is only used between TIBCO MFT Internet Server and TIBCO MFT Platform Server.
  2. To start Platform Server, click Administration > Transfer Servers > Platform Server > Platform Server Status, and then click Start Server on the Platform Server Status page.
  3. Add an upload and a download file transfer definitions.
  4. Configure TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Platform Server for Windows transfer templates to upload and download files.