
The GetUserProfile command action is used to display configuration parameters from a specified user profile definition from the TIBCO MFT Internet Server definition table.

There are no command line actions to retrieve definitions from banks.

To use this command, TIBCO MFT Internet Server searches for a match on the GroupID/UserID and Server parameters. If a match is not found, the request fails. To use the RetrieveAllUserProfiles command, the user must have UpdateServerCredentialRight. For more information on these rights, see the AddUserToRole command action. When this command executes successfully, the user profile displayed along with the configuration parameters defined.

Parameter Description Default Required
GroupID The 1 to 64 character TIBCO MFT Internet Server group that is defined in the group database.

For this command, a server credential definition with this GroupID and the defined server definition must be on the server credential table; otherwise the request fails. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the UserID parameter.

None Either this parameter or UserID must be defined.
NodeName The 1 to 32 character TIBCO MFT Internet Server name that is defined in the servers database.

This parameter defines the target TIBCO MFT Platform Server definition for a file transfer. If the defined server along with the GroupID/UserID is not in the user profile database, the request fails.

None Yes
UserId The 1 to 64 character TIBCO MFT Internet Server user ID that is defined in the user database.

For this command, a server credential definition with this user ID and the defined Server definition must be on the server credential table. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the GroupID parameter.

None Either this parameter or GroupID must be defined.

Sample GetUserProfile Command

The command below displays information for the user profile for TIBCO MFT Internet Server user mftuser1 and TIBCO MFT Internet Server NYNode1. All parameters associated with this profile are displayed.

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:GetUserProfile UserId:mftuser1 NodeName:NYNode1