Customizing the Desktop Client

In this section we will instruct you on how to customize the Desktop Client for your environment.


Before you can customize the Desktop Client, you need to have a code-signing certificate in .pfx format.
We have provided a self-signed code signing certificate named test.pfx with the password test assigned to it. If you will be using this provided certificate, you can skip to Step 2.


  1. Generating a Self-Signed Certificate.
  2. Copy the file found in the MFTIS_Install\distribution\clickonce directory. Paste and extract this file to an empty directory on the Windows SDK server.
  3. Open a command prompt and add the bin directory from the Windows SDK as well as the bin directory to the JDK if this has not been set already. Navigate to the directory you extracted the file and run the following script:

    Below is an example of the output that will be displayed from the build.bat script along with some additional information:

    This script will prepare the ClickOnce files for installation.
    This will be done in two steps. Step 1 will ask a series
    of questions regarding how MFT Command Center or Internet Server
    users will be connecting in order to perform transfers.
    Step 2 will ask a series of similar questions regarding
    the MFT Command Center or Internet Server that will be used to
    distribute MFT Desktop Client.
    The ClickOnce manifests must be signed with a code-signing
    certificate in the pfx format. We have provided a self signed
    code-signing certificate to test with [C:\DesktopClientSetup\153\test.pfx].
    It is recommended that you obtain a code-signing certificate
    from a certificate authority before using in production.
    Do not use quotes around path or file names that contain space(s).
    To accept default values presented press the ENTER key.
    Step 1: MFT Desktop Client File Transfer Server
    Please enter the IP address or DNS name of the MFT Command Center or Internet 
    Server. [localhost]
    Do you use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol to connect to the MFT Command Center or 
    Internet Server? [https]
    Please enter the TCP port for . [443]
    Please enter the application context. [cfcc] mftis
    Step 2: MFT Desktop Client Distribution Server
    Please enter the IP address or DNS name of the MFT Command Center or Internet 
    Server which will store the ClickOnce files. [localhost]
    Do you want to use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol when installing MFT Desktop Client? 
    Please enter the TCP port for https. [80] 
    Please enter the application context. [cfcc] mftis
    Please enter the absolute path to your code-signing certificate. 
    Please enter the password for your code-signing certificate. test
    cfcc.exe.manifest successfully updated
    cfcc.exe.manifest successfully signed
    End users can be forced to upgrade to a new version of Desktop Client when one 
    is available when they connect to the server. If you do not want to force them 
    and allow them to choose whether to upgrade or not choose option 1 and the end 
    user will be given a choice. The option will only be displayed once to upgrade.
    Do you want to give end users the option to upgrade to this new version? (Choose 
    No to force the upgrade.)
    1. Yes.
    2. No.
    Please enter your selection. [1]
    cfcc.exe.manifest successfully updated
    cfcc.exe.manifest successfully signed
    You can store the clickonce application on either an HTTP Server such as the MFT 
    Command Center, MFT Internet Server or an IIS server. It can also be stored on a 
    Windows File Share. When you choose option 2 you will be prompted for the share 
    file name (Note: The share must be pre-existing and if you are building the 
    clickonce application on a server other than server that has the share defined 
    on it you may need to map a drive to that share before it will be found).
    Where will the application installation files be deployed?
    1. HTTP Server.
    2. Windows File Share.
    Please enter your selection. [1]
    cfcc-in.application successfully updated
    cfcc-in.application successfully signed
    cfcc-ca.application successfully updated
    cfcc-ca.application successfully signed
    Build completed successfully.
    Now that your build is complete you must do the following:
    1) Create a new directory under the MFT_HOME install directory of the
       MFT Command Center or Internet Server.
    2) Copy the C:\DesktopClientSetup\153\clickonce.jar file to the new directory
       on MFT Command Center or Internet Server. Note: Your directory displayed may 
       be different.
    3) Unjar the clickonce.jar file using the following command from your command
       prompt window:
           jar xvf clickonce.jar
    4) From the clickonce directory run either the install.bat script for Windows
       platforms or script for UNIX platforms to start the installation.
  4. Follow all the instructions displayed on screen to complete building your customized MFT desktop client.
    Note: If your TIBCO MFT Internet Server is installed on a UNIX platform, you must copy the clickonce.jar file to your system in binary format.


Once you have installed the customized desktop client, it is ready for you to connect to the system and download it to install on your system.