
You can configure the TIBCO MFT Internet Server user authentication and the SSL certificate in the Authentication tab.

The following table lists the fields in the Authentication tab:

Field Description
User ID The TIBCO MFT Internet Server user ID when the desktop client authenticates with the TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
Password The password being used when the desktop client authenticates with the TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
Change Password If you want to change the password, click this button. See Change Password for more details.
Key File Name The encryption key used for the SSL certificate.
Note: SSL will only be used when the Use client certificate for authentication check box is selected.
Use client certificate for authentication If you want to use an SSL certificate, select this check box.

Change Password

If you are permitted to change your own passwords, you can change the password in the Change Password window.
Note: See your web server administrator to obtain the connection and user ID information.

The following table lists the fields in the Change Password tab:

Field Description
Old Password The password being used for sign on.
New Password The new password that you want to use.
Confirm New Password The new password again.
Change Password Click this button after typing the information correctly in the Old Password, New Password and Confirm New Password fields.
Cancel Click this button to cancel changing passwords.