You can use non-unique codes to define a single code value that is issued to multiple customers. A non-unique code is issued an unlimited number of times by default. Optionally, you can define a limit by entering a number in the Issue Limit
Navigate to
Rewards > Reward Codes.
Create New Non-Unique Reward Code.
Edit Non-Unique Reward Code screen is displayed.
Define properties for this non-unique reward code:
Note: None of these values are visible to end customers.
Create a descriptive name for this reward code. This value is displayed in the grid of codes on the Reward Codes landing page.
Reference Tag
Enter a unique identifier for this code. This value is the primary identifier for this code used by the Reward hosted microsite, as well as Reward APIs. Note that this value must be unique among all other reward codes.
Stored Value
Can be None,
Monetary units,
Monetary units off,
% off, or other. Depending on your integration with Reward, this value can be passed to you or a third party through the Rewards File.
Internal Note
Use this space to record notes about the reward code.
Enable Dynamic Expiration Date check box
Expiration can be static (all codes expire on the same day) or dynamic (code expires X days after the
Award Date or
Offer Start Date).
In the Code Inventory section of the screen:
Enter a
Code value. Your code can be up to 45 characters in length, and can consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters. Codes are not case-sensitive.
Optionally, you define the
Issue Limit, which defines the maximum number of times that this code can be issued. Leaving this field blank results in this code being issued continually, with no limit.
Next Step.
This opens the Presentation page where you can define the customer facing properties for your reward code.