Content Rule Set: Properties
The Content Rule Set Properties page records the name and other crucial information used to reference and identify the content rule set. This information is for other CRMS users and for CRMS: it is not displayed to users. Defining and saving the content rule set description is the first step in creating a new content rule set or editing an existing content rule set.
The Properties page is displayed when you create a new content rule set, clone a content rule set, or open an existing content rule set record for editing.
Use the Properties page to describe a content rule set by recording data in the following fields:
- Name
- It is the content rule set name that is listed in the table in the main Content Rule Set page. (Maximum characters: 45.)
- Reference Tag
- It is the unique identifier for this content rule set that is displayed in emails. This is the text that forms the unique part of a reference tag to this content rule set. Content rule set reference tags can only use standard alphanumeric characters and the underscore character: "_"; no spaces are allowed. If you supply no reference tag text, CRMS assigned ID number is used instead, by default. Modifying the content rule set reference tag causes the existing links to fail: rules are not applied and content is no longer rendered in any emails that include the old tag. (Maximum characters: 30.)
- Internal Note
- It is the text used internally in CRMS, and is only displayed on this page. The best practice is to use this space to record useful summary information about this content rule set. Such information can include its intended purpose, a content summary, how it has been modified (if appropriate), caveats, and so on.
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