Partner Offers: Step 3 - Creating Offer


  1. Select Promote > Offers > Create New Offer.
    The Edit Offer Details screen is displayed.
  2. Enter offer name.
  3. Enter headline.
  4. Enter description.
    Note: This description should match the Internal Description and/or Description Line from the partner worksheet from the initial data integration setup with Account Management.
  5. Click Next Step to continue creating the offer.
    This displays the Qualify & Award step in the Edit Offer wizard.
  6. Set the offer to award Points Per Event Value by selecting from the pull-down menu.
  7. Select the point type you created in Partner Offers: Step 1 - Creating Point Type from the pull-down menu.
  8. Enter the number of points to be awarded in the text box.
  9. Check Enable Custom Award Text, which displays the Enter Custom Award Value text box.
  10. Enter the text as it should be displayed on the customer’s statement.
    Alternately, you can use custom award text to indicate the location where transactions were made by following these steps:
    1. In the Custom Award Value text box, enter @(extdata).
    2. Enter the Extended Event Data X-path as (/Location){1}.
  11. Click Select Event.
    The Select Generic Events screen is displayed.
  12. Select the generic event you created in Partner Offers: Create.
  13. Click Next Step, and proceed to targeting the offer.